Singapore Mission Report and Prayer Topics

  • by WMD
  • Feb 28, 2011
  • 1206 reads

Our verse for 2010 was from Galatians 5:16, “So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.” We prayed to live by the Spirit rather than the flesh. However, by the end of the year I found myself living by my sinful desires rather than by the Holy Spirit. I can only repent before the Lord.

Last year, I personally prayed to keep early morning prayer and devotion. We thank God that we had six regular one-on-one Bible studies and four who attend our Sunday worship services. Despite my shortcomings, our Lord God worked in our daily lives and our ministry. We truly praise and give thanks to God. 

At the Asian Directer's Conference last January, Missionary Joshua struggled with frequent business trips to all over the world because of his job. God opened the way for him to get a job that doesn't require him to travel.  God also blessed him to share about our Singapore ministry at the World Mission Report held at Christianity Centennial Memorial Hall on May 17. Through hearing his report, I could only give thanks to God for his grace on my life as a missionary over the past 8 years. God truly restored my passion for the lost of Singapore.   

Missionary Pauline has been delivery the Sunday messages every week since last April. From our study of Luke’s Gospel, she learned Jesus’ heart towards others. Even while working, she loved several students–Wah Wah, Thow Thow, Grace, Serene, Rachel.

Although Wah Wah wanted to continue hers studying in graduate school, she could only do so by means of a scholarship. After many applications she received a conditional approval for a  Ph.D program at NTU that requires her to maintain a B+ average. Through this, she experienced faith and came to know the power of prayer. Before beginning graduate school, God led her to receive discipleship training in Jong-ro, Korea for a month and a half. For their summer conference, she shared her life testimony. Through various experiences, she grew spiritually. When she came back to Singapore, she continued loving and studying the Bible with Sisters Blessing and Canol.        

Last Summer, all of our Singapore UBF members could attended the Jong-ro 1 summer conference in Korea. God refreshed us in his Word and renewed our callings as misisonaries. Most of all, it was a great opportunity for us to see Wah Wah and get to know her better through helping her write and share her testimony.   

God sent Esther P from Anam to NUS as an exchange student for around 5 months. While staying with u s, she served worship by playing the piano and sharing her testimonies. She also joined Pauline in inviting students on the campus. May God continue to bless her as she serves him.

God continually blessed us with new students studying the Bible via short term missionaries from all over the world. Sister Serene came from Chicago and Rachel from Hanyang.    

God blessed our family abundantly. We moved into a new house last May. We thank God for providing a spacious home as a better worship place. God blessed our only son little Joshua to grow in health and come to know God through Sunday school. We also thank God who opened the door for him to enter a good primary school.

In retrospect, it was rather difficult serving God’s ministry last year. However, I repent of unbelief in not seeing all the amazing things God has been doing in Singapore. Praise God for the work of the Holy Spirit in Singapore. 

Our verse for 2011 is from Philippians 2:5--“In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus.” Holding onto this word, we want to imitate the humility of Jesus. We pray that God may raise students as Jesus' disciples.

Prayer Topics:
1. Imitate the humility of Jesus through early-morning prayer and daily devotion
2. Mark’s Gospel study and Sunday messages
3. For a student leader and Bible teacher at NUS
