Guadalajara Mission Report, Mexico

  • by WMD
  • Mar 01, 2011
  • 905 reads

Acts 5:20 - “Go, stand in the temple courts,” he said, “and tell the people all about this new life.”

We thank the Lord for his grace and love that, in spite of our faults and weaknesses, he protected us and worked through us last year. In 2010 we started with the desire of learning the gospel faith of the apostles, the work of the Holy Spirit, and obedience. It was also a year that started with prayer for the Latin American International Conference.

1) Starting the year, through Acts 5 and Daniel 3, we learned about the pure gospel faith of the apostles and we prayed to have this kind of faith. The reason was because we are not serving sheep to increase the number of participants, but so they may have true joy and happiness through a personal relationship with God. To tell the truth, we served with many activities but forgetting this direction. But when we look back, we admit that God has guided us with his direction.

2) WORK IN CAMPUS – During the year we had campus meetings. But the shepherds that got married last year started to have kids, and because of this there was some difficulty to serve CUCEI (School of Science and Engineering). But at CUCEA (School of Economics and Administration) and CUCS (Medial School) had their meetings continuously. Through these meetings, S. Marco served with a shepherd’s heart, and the disciples, Rebecca, Pricilla and Maria, dressed up with an owner’s heart for campus and made their vows to become shepherdesses. Eunice, Gonzalo, Leidi, Karen, Felipe and Fabiola started the disciples’ team and they are growing.

3) WEDNESDAY’S ACADEMY – The Sogam meeting we had on Wednesdays at CUCEI Center, we changed it to do it by fellowships, and instead of Sogam we started the Academy. This meeting was guided by S. John, and the messengers were the recently established shepherds. Since they are young, their messages were fresh. Through this discipline, they had a strong desire to become excellent Bible teachers. We pray that they may grow as good Bible teachers and they many start the fire of 1:1 Bible study in different campus.

4) LATIN AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE PREPARATION WITH PRAYER AND THE HOLY SPIRIT – As Dr. John Jun’s direction of 1,000 prayers for the conference, we prayed on our knees each day. Two months before the conference, we prayed every day and prepared the activities. This prayer meeting heated the heart of the leaders. Sheep that had economic problems participated in spite of the high price, and received grace through the word. With this prayer experience, we had the desire and direction of winning the world and to give God his glory through praying three times a day.

5) THE WORD’S WORK – Also this year the Lord gave us his word continuously, and grew us through it. Through the study of Hebrews, we learned about the absolute and eternity of Jesus and that he is the Only Lord that has authority over all things. On March we started to prepare the Latin American Conference, and started studying Acts. We prayed learning the mission faith of the apostles and the gospel faith of the primitive church. Then, after the conference and starting the Fall Term, to serve new sheep at campus, we started the study of John. Through it we thought about our real problems, and the fundamentals of personal relationships. This gospel helped us to take away doubts and conflicts among coworkers, and we admitted that there is no love among us, so we started to pray with this prayer topic. The fellowship leaders started a special meeting and the recently established shepherds too. Then they grew spiritually.

6) M. Jorge Antonio, who was serving by himself on Dominican Republic, was used as a messenger at the Latin American Conference, and then he came back to Guadalajara. He stayed two months and was strengthened before going back to this mission field. But this time he went back with his wife M. Isabel and his daughter, Eunice. He received discipline to become a tent-making missionary and to establish disciples. Then, he had three faithful sheep. Also he had a entrepreneur vision. M. Isabel had difficulties for her economic problem and serving as prayer servant. We pray that this house-church may establish a father and mother of faith, and may raise many Jesus’ disciples in Dominican Republic.

7) CONFERENCES– This year we also received grace through Easter Conference and the Latin American Conference. After the Latin American Conference we had our Fall Conference. Through this conference we started inviting some leaders that were a part of the ministry. They did not participle on the conference, but we started a new relationship with them and we are praying that they may return to the ministry.

8) CHRISTMAS WORSHIP SERVICE – We could not agree on where to serve the Christmas Worship Service because finding a place was difficult. So we decided to do it at the Inspiration Center. We did not expect to have many guests because of the distance, but many came until we need more transportation. For this CWS M. Josué from Tepic UBF participated with us bringing his family and three sheep. We spent a joyful time with them.

9) 2011 STARTS – This year we pray that we may win the world and glorify God with three times prayers a day. We studied the book of Daniel 6 and 9, and John 6, and we prayed that we may surrender to the Lord with a broken heart. We also pray that we may have Bible studies at CUCEA, CUCEI, CUCS and CUCSH, have a deep independent Bible study, and to strengthen Daily Bread meeting to become royal priesthood for God. We pray that we may have 120 1:1 Bible studies.
