Chongro and Gwanak united Winter Bible Conf. Report

  • by WMD
  • Mar 05, 2011
  • 1049 reads

Chongro 1, 2, 7; Kwanak 3, 5; and Suwon and Hwarang chapters had a Bible conference at Daesung-ri, Kyeongi province (Kwangrim Vision Land) February 19-20. The theme of the conference was “Then It Will Collapse” (Joshua 6). Through this we received direction to serve the work of the gospel for the coming spring semester.

The program consisted of three things.

First, there were reports on three pastors: Lee Gi-pung, Gil Sun-ju, and Choi Gweon-neng, who are fathers of a Korean church. They were presented by Lee Shin-hyuk (Chongro1), Yoo Hyun-duck (Kwanak3), and Lee Hun-hyung. They prepared it for a month.

Shepherd Lee Shin-hyuk presented his report with entitled, “Lee Gi-pung: The First Korean Missionary.” Lee Gi-pung had been a persecutor, who hit Missionary Marfet on his jaw causing it to bleed. After he accepted the gospel by Missionary Swalon, he was changed and became one of the first Korean pastors, devoting his whole life as a missionary to Jeju island.

Shepherd Yoo Hyun-duck presented his report entitled, “Gil-Sun-ju: The Leading Part for the Revival of the Korean Church,” through which we could see how great his prayers were and his love for the word. Gil Sun-ju had been called “Taoist Gil” because he had been into Taoism. After he met Jesus, he was used greatly as a messenger for the Pyungyang Great Revival that started in Jangdaehyun, Pyungyang on 1907.

Shepherd Lee hun-hyung presented his report entitled, “Choi Gweon-neung: A Servant of Power of the Korean Church.” His original name had been Choi Bong-suck. He was later called Gweon-neung because many powerful miracles occurred wherever he went, like a dead calf that returned to life and a dead old man that returned to life. He preached the gospel calling out, “Jesus, heaven!” and he called Christians who did not preach the gospel, “Mute; corpses.” He was martyred after experiencing a hard prison life because he refused to worship at shrines in Japan.

Now that it is the 50th anniversary of UBF, we were able to learn the spirit of love for the word and preaching the gospel through the lives of three pastors who are the fathers of the Korean church. We also could know that our fellowship is an extension of the history of the Korean church.

After dinner, Shepherd Inn Geum-cheul delivered the first lecture, “Moses’ Faith” (Heb 11:24-28). He gave a good explanation of why Moses made a resolution to suffer with God’s people, denying the glory of the world as a son of Pharaoh’s princess. Through the message, we learned that the glory of the world is just for a while and how the prize that God will give us is great. And we learned that the suffering life of God’s people, the glorious hardship of serving sheep at the campus, is very glorious though it is tough. We had time to make resolutions to live like Moses, writing testimonies into the late night.

The next day, Shepherd Yoon Moses delivered the second lecture. The title was “Then It Will Collapse,” which was theme of the conference. The strategies of the Jericho battle were (1) marching around, (2) keeping silent, (3) shouting out, and (4) working in one accord. Our campus, like Jericho, can be won if we march around it to the end 7 times with the word and prayer in the lead; silence all negative talk; shout out for the help of God after doing our best; and working together in one accord. We learned how we could win people in the campus and the fields of our lives. During announcements, Shepherd Jung Abraham said that we should have pride that we are the spiritual soldiers of Christ who will win the city.

In conclusion, all the leaders were inspirited from the word through the reports and lectures at this conference. In addition, the conference site was near Seoul, about an hour away, and the facility and scenery were good so that everyone could rest. This conference allowed everyone to get inspirited for serving the coming spring semester.
