Hanla UBF Dedication Worship, Korea

  • by WMD
  • Mar 13, 2011
  • 1128 reads

On February 28, there was a dedication worship service of Hanla center and a retirement ceremony for Shepherd Samuel Park (professor Chanmoon Park) at Hanla center at Jeju Island in Korea. About 60 Korea staff shepherds came to bless him and his ministry.

At this time God blessed him and renamed him from Timothy Park to Samuel Park in the hope that he would serve the work of the gospel and disciple making more passionately.

He purchased a 3-story building with his retirement allowance and all the property, and is using the second floor space as a worship hall and the third floor as his home as a house church.

He was an exemplary layman Bible teacher and a professor with a pure and absolute attitude toward God spiritually and academically as a history department professor in Cheju University for the last 30 years.

At the worship service, Dr. Samuel H. Lee gave a congratulatory message entitled, “New Heavens and a New Earth,” based on Isaiah 65:17.

In the message, he said it is a creative work in the sight of God, for Shepherd Samuel Park made a resolution to dedicate his left life to campus mission as a full time shepherd after his retirement as a professor in his mid-60s.

And he also said that we only will receive eternal joy and peace when we come to God through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Through the message we were all greatly encouraged with comfort and vision in our hearts. At the end of message he prayed that the Hala UBF ministry may be a beautiful fellowship full of joy, peace, and the word of God through the Holy Spirit.

After that there was a testimony by Shepherd Kyungim Nam. She testified well about the grace of salvation upon her and of her calling as a coworker through pioneering the Hala ministry. Next, there were congratulatory addresses by Shepher John Jo and Moody Park.

Shepherd John said that he honored Shepherd Samuel Park as a good shepherd and as a senior scholar who had a similar major to him. And he encouraged him to start a new beginning in his shepherd life after retirement as if changing the tires on a car with brand new tires. Shepherd Moody Park was pleased with his retirement because now he has a colleague who is retired.

The worship service ended with a benediction by Shepherd Daniel Ree and we also had an agape meal fellowship that was well-prepared for us.

Shepherd Samuel Park’s prayer topics are as follows:

1.      For raising 70 disciples by 2030 and becoming a mission community

2.      For restoring the SWS attendees with more than 20 within 5 years

3.      For Shepherd Samuel Park’s Sunday messages to be filled with grace and power

Spurgeon Lee
