Japan Earthquake News Update

  • by WMD
  • Mar 19, 2011
  • 917 reads

Currently, M. Seong-Jin's family in Sendai moved to Akida, which is located 300 kilometers from Sendai, and they are staying there until the end of March.

Utsunomiya UBF is the chapter nearest to the nuclear power plants in Fukushima. M. Daniel in Utsunomiya is staying at home and not going to work. We urged him to move to Tokyo, but it is hard for him due to the gas problem.  

In Tokyo, many foreigners are returning to their home because of the risk of radioactivity. M. Mark’s family and Esther and her baby Hanna are planning to return to Korea temporarily.    

Except for Sendai and Utsunomiya UBF, the other chapters are relatively safe, located on the eastern side of the nuclear power plants in Fukushima. However, aftershocks are continuing and a few days ago there was a 6.0 magnitude earthquake in the Shizuoka prefecture, but we confirmed that our missionaries are safe.

Thank you for your prayer support for Japan. Please keep praying for me to have God’s wisdom to support our missionaries in Japan.  Please also pray for God’s protection upon our co-workers and Japanese people from the radioactivity and earthquake. Please pray for God’s comfort to come upon many heartbroken people who are severely suffering from the loss of their families, houses, and the risk of radioactivity.

Thank you,

M. Daniel in Tokyo