Canberra UBF, Australia News and Prayer Topics

  • by WMD
  • Mar 22, 2011
  • 4061 reads

Canberra UBF's 1st Fellowship Leaders and Music Team

God has helped Canberra UBF to raise two fellowships in the new 2011 semester. Chuong (Medicine 3) & Sarah (RN Nurse) are fellowship leaders for True Vine Fellowship, and Chris (Arts 2) & Eva (Medicine 3) for Living Stone Fellowship. Hannah Jr. is a semi-leader and was appointed as a servant for the Daily Bread ministry. We pray that these leaders may be deeply rooted in God’s calling and grace, learning Jesus’ life, serving students with a shepherd heart, and growing as spiritual leaders in this generation. We started a Fellowship Leaders Bible Study and pray that God may fill M. Joshua with the Spirit of God’s words to lead it and that fellowship leaders may grow as excellent Bible teachers.

M. David Jr. (son of David & Maria from Kwangju III UBF) introduced his classmates Chuong, Eva, and Chris to Bible study. He served them with love and prayer and the words of God before going back to Korea in January to serve in the army. We pray that God may shape him as a good soldier of Christ like Timothy during the 2 years of his army training.

Chris became the president of the Bible Fellowship Club-Society this year. To re-enroll the club-society at ANU, he worked a lot (e.g. designing and making placard and getting students to sign up on club day during the orientation period). At the O-week Bible Café, he cooked bread and cookies for students by himself, as well as prepare a short message on John 1:1. This message was his first one and it was very profound. SE, who is working at a hospital in Queensland far from Canberra, also supported the Bible Café financially and with prayer. Sarah graduated from a nursing course in Sydney (daughter of David & Jungsoon, Kyungheemoon UBF). During her studies, M. Aquila & Priscilla (Sydney UBF) served her with love and training, through which she could grow as a shepherd and a good spiritual influence for Canberra UBF members.

Chuong and Eva have been studying the Bible and attending the Sunday Worship services faithfully for the last two years. Chuong has shown his faithfulness by serving the SWS as a presider very faithfully, and Eva has been playing piano very beautifully. They are extremely busy in medical school, but they put first priority in serving God, studying the Bible, and teaching students the Bible through the Friday group Bible study meetings.

Hannah Jr. is a freshman at ANU (Law/Asian Studies). Before entering the university, she stayed in Korea and the USA last year for 10 months.

During this spiritual journey, she deeply felt God’s love upon her (through John 3:16 and the hymn "Amazing Grace"), according to her prayer topic to meet God personally. God helped her to have spiritual desire to be used in his redemptive work on the campus. Through loving and good relationships with missionaries, shepherds, shepherdesses, and friends in Chicago UBF and Penn UBF and also through many leaders and friends in the Anam center living together for several months at sisters house, she came to love the UBF community much more.

We pray that she may grow as a good shepherd and mother of faith during her campus life.

Please pray for the Canberra ministry which is still in an early pioneering stage.

M. Hannah from Canberra, Australia
