Libya Update and Prayer Topics

  • by WMD
  • Mar 24, 2011
  • 998 reads

At present, fighting has erupted between the UN forces and the Libyan army. Please pray for Libya to be restored to peace.

Currently, my family condition is as follows: My wife and two children are safe and are staying in an apartment free of rent through someone's help since arriving in Malta on March 3 through the Korean Destroyer Experimen warship. Our plan for our children (Noah and Danbi) is for them to go to school till March 13. After that, around March 16, they will return to Libya if the fighting has stopped by then. If not, my wife and children will go to Korea. Therefore, we are praying for the war to end within March 2011.

I am staying in a camp because I have a lot of work to do and it is also cumbersome to commute from my home to my workplace.I am pretty busy now working at the headquarters office here doing camp management, etc. since most of the Korean workers returned to Korea.
Many people are concerned about the setting of a no-fly zone, but I don't think it is worrisome because the UN forces will not attack civilians. I went to the Korean embassy today in order to apply for a travel permit in case a no-fly zone is set up. There are about 100 Korean people still in Libya.

Thank you for your prayers for us.

In Christ, M. Noah