Prayer request of Austria UBF for Dr. James's job

  • by WMD
  • Mar 25, 2011
  • 904 reads

Here is Austria prayer topics...

Please pray for Austria UBF

1. For Joshua Bible study.
2. For Dr. James Han to get a job in Austria Engineering Labaratory (They will choose between 2 by next week)  
3. For the self-supporting (Private House Lodging) business
4. For invitation new freshmen.  All missionaries visit campus every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
5. For M. Daniel's self-supporting and visa problem. God may open the door for him to work in Kia company.
6. For 2011 Austria Easter Bible Conference in Gutenstein. May God raise 3 messengers and bless our 1 Co 15 Bible study and conference program.
7. For Dr. James and Sarah: We have prayer meeting twice a week in each house listening to our children's prayer topics and pray for them and for God's work together.

Thank you so much,

Dr. James