2011 Kyoungsung Center Bible Academy Report, Korea

  • by WMD
  • Mar 25, 2011
  • 852 reads

“Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come and the years approach when you will say, ‘I find no pleasure in them.’” (Ecclesiastes 12:1)

March 15-17, 2011 Kyoungsung UBF held its Bible academy for freshmen at Kyoungsung center. In order to prepare this Bible academy we have been gathering together to have united prayer meetings at our Bible house at every day early in the morning and evening  as well for a month.

We thank God for answering our united prayers and he has done a great thing among us that he brought more than 65 students to this Bible academy in three days.

The three student discipleship team members of KyoungSung UBF organized and hosted the three-day academy by themselves and served each day’s programs successfully according to their turn. The three discipleship training teams composed of the medical school and University of Catholic; School of Dental and Music; and Oriental medicine and Pharmacy School.

On the first day, the lecture was titled, “You Will Be A Blessing,” based on Genesis 12:1-4. It was given by Sh. Hong IL-KI (Kyounhee medical center). Through the message he gracefully proclaimed God’s great vision and calling for the campus students, who lost their vision, just living easy going lives though they entered college with great dreams.

On the second day, Sh. Barnabas Ham (president of Oriental medicine clinic) gave a lecture titled, “Put Out Into Deep Water,” from Luke 5. In the message he revealed God’s earnest invitation of campus students who are living in a materialistic world.

On the third day, the lecture was titled, “Remember Your Creator,” based on Ecclesiastes 12. It was given by Sh. Chun Soo-Won (Music school). In the past, he was a successful business man and became rich. But he became miserable when he got a disease, diagnosed as myelitis, which happened because he was wounded from falling down from a high place during his military training. In despair he was thinking of committing suicide in his youth. But he testified about his transformed new life in God serving campus students with a shepherd heart as a Bible teacher after meeting the creator God. Through his transformed new life in God all the students who attended were moved and have a desire to meet the creator God personally.

Then, nine students shared their beautiful testimonies, and among them, brother Hong J-H’s (Music) testimony was wonderful and greatly encouraged us all. Before meeting Christ he was wandering at the campus; then he ran away to serve in the military, but he became more weary and burdened because of sin. He testified of God’s marvelous saving grace upon him with many tears, and he also offered his beautiful voice to God with a special song during the Bible academy.

We thank God that we all could learn about the power of united prayer through this Bible academy and our ministry became more graceful. We also thank God for blessing our lay shepherds who devoted themselves to God, inviting freshmen amid their busy work schedules; and they could experience the power of God through the Bible academy. We pray that God may continue to work in the hearts of the 80 students who attended the Bible academy through one to one Bible studies.

Reported by Sh. Enkyu Choi
