SNU III Spring Bible Academy Report, Korea

  • by WMD
  • Apr 07, 2011
  • 1056 reads

SNU III had a spring Bible academy with SNU V from Mar. 15 (Tues) – Mar. 17 (Thur), 6-7 PM on each day. Sixty-eight students attended from SNU III (freshmen-23). Unlike last year, new students (more than 20) attended for more than two days, though they were busy with the new semester. God answered our prayers when we brought our 5 loaves and 2 fish, knocking on the hearts of new students in spite of the anti-Christian environment on the campus.

Especially, in this year, God helped SNU III students to become real stewards as messengers and testimony sharers. On the first day, Sister Kim delivered a wonderful message from Luke 10:25-37 titled, ”Real Love, True Neighbor.” She finished her undergraduate degree and entered the graduate Pharmacy program this spring. On the second day, Brother Lee delivered a powerful message from John 3:1-16 titled, “New Beginning, True Happiness.” He is a junior in Bio-chemical Engineering. They were brand new messengers, but the word of God worked powerfully. This is a sign of a new work of God going on among the student leaders. All the testimony sharers were college students. J. Lee's testimony, which dealt with how he was like a man wounded by robbers, but healed by Jesus through his shepherd’s love, was full of grace. Brother J. Kim and Sister Seo, who had shared testimonies before, shared testimonies that were very deep. These 5 students were the fruit of our prayers and a great comfort for us. We tried hard to overcome the generation gap to serve young students.

A duo-drama and special music by graduate students were a great blessing (G. Kim, J. Kim/J. Choi, D. You). They helped the students to open their hearts and to understand the word of God. DK gave a superior trumpet performance. Students presided in a friendly way for the young new students. Newcomers came to the club room after the Bible academy and enjoyed tasty food and fellowship.

Thank God for this historical Bible academy with many new students. After this academy, we came to have 67 SNU 1:1 Bible students. We are praying for 70 SNU 1:1 Bible studies weekly in this spring semester. By this we may raise 12 brothers and 12 sisters among SNU students to serve in this powerful discipleship ministry. We pray that everybody may serve God’s flock through 1:1 Bible studies with Jesus’ sacrificial love and bear much fruit for the glory of God.

By Daniel B.
