Venezuela Disciples' conf and Prayer Topics

  • by WMD
  • Apr 11, 2011
  • 713 reads

We held our disciples conference from March 24 to 26. Our disciple candidates were: Brothers Raul,  Gabriel, Ciro, Franklin, Juan and Sisters Jennifer, Katherine, Maria, Egle, a total of 9 people. They had received discipleship training after the Summer Bible Conference last year and preparing themselves spiritually with Bible testimony sharing, reading Christian books, participating in the activities of the ministry, etc. for the last seven months. For the conference they prepared Pilgrims’ symposium and life testimony. God blessed the conference with powerful messages deliverd by Shep. Luis, Rafael, Holiver and Leibins. The title of the conference was: "We were called to be holy." The message of Shep. Luis showed very well why we have to live holy and the participants of the conference repented of their sins and made new decisions. At the end of the conference each of the candidates made a disciple declaration and received diplomas. Also we prayed for them so that they might be good disciples of Jesus. I praise God who raised new 9 disciples in our chapter.

prayer topics:

1. Shep. Maiker and Maria may be sent out to Panama as Venezuelan missionary house church and be good coworkers of Juan and Susana Baik's family in Panama.

2. This week Shep. Jaime and Carmen went to Merida to look for a house to start a new chapter for University of Los Andes (Universidad de Los Andes). This university is one of the main universities in Venezuela. I pray that God may bless their mission journey to pioneer ULA.

3. Hugo and Yolimar are praying to pioneer another main campus of Venezuela, University of Zulia. May God bless them to open the door to Zulia States. 

4. Please pray for the security of M. Juan Seo's family to be protected by God and to receive a new direction of his mission life. 

In Christ,
Juan Seo