Esther's life testimony, Heidelberg

  • by WMD
  • Apr 14, 2011
  • 1316 reads

Remain in me

Key verse: John 15:5, "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."

Part I. What is your name?

I was born on August 9th, 1981. I have one older brother and one older sister. When I was young, I was never demanding of my parents who were busy serving a pioneering ministry. Instead of receiving a gift on my birthday, I saved money and bought a gift for my parents out of my thankfulness to them. My friends liked me as I was polite and nice. I was voted the most popular classmate when I was in 3rd grade. Later, I felt burdened by people's recognition. I thought they were expecting something more of me. I was not free to stand before people and wanted to escape. In middle school, I tried to change myself through performing in a drama and creative, modern dancing before all the students. During high school, I tried to overcome timidity through making many friends as a student board member. At the same time, I was stressed because of others’ judgments and became fearful of people. At home, I was usually alone while my parents were busy serving the ministry and my siblings were actively playing outside. Although I was outgoing at school, I was lonely at home. I watched TV all day long to forget about things and people that were bothering me.

When I was a sophomore in high school, Jesus came to me through 1 summer Bible conference. Through Mark 5:9a, "Then Jesus asked him, 'What is your name?'", God helped me to see that I had lost my God-given identity and I repented of it. My name was timidity, lack of freedom, pride, dissatisfaction and laziness. I was born again by Jesus' love and by the power of His word.

In 2001 I entered Dan-Kook University majoring in Industrial Design. I wanted to serve campus mission near Yonhee center, but God led me to a school that was 1 hour away from the center. I couldn't understand God's will, but decided to live like a missionary at my school. On the first day of school, I prayed to God to give me this land while walking on campus. From my freshman year, I led a campus prayer meeting by God's grace and fed sheep. During my college years, I helped Yonsei, Ewha, and Dankook University students with the word of God and served orchestra, JBF, drama, and dancing.

Part II. I am a branch of the true vine, Jesus.

On June 5th, 2004, I went to Germany as a missionary holding onto my missionary key verse Romans 1:5, "Through him and for his name's sake, we received grace and apostleship to call people from among all the Gentiles to the obedience that comes from faith." It was the most memorable and important event in my life because I wanted to be a missionary since 3rd grade.

When I came to Germany, I struggled with the language and financial problems. After 5 months, I started working at a dry cleaning store. Also, I worked as a maid, cleaning lady, baby sitter and art tutor. Every month, I offered tithe that was not 10% of my income, but 10% of the amount I wanted to receive from God. I believed that God would bless me and offered out of thanksgivings before He gave it to me. In this way, I often experienced God's blessing in practical ways. When I was young, my brother, sister and I used to say, "If my parents didn't give so much offering, our family wouldn't be poor.”But now I was following my parents' footsteps. Their lives of faith influenced me to live by faith as a missionary. I was so happy by depending on God only. One missionary told me that I looked like a rich girl because I wasn't worrying about my financial problems, but was so free. God even sent me to the U.S., France, Czechoslovakia, Belgium and Ukraine to witness the work of God and pray for those countries.

Right after I became a missionary, all I could do was hand out invitation cards to students on Campus. In the beginning of the semester, I went to campus to meet freshman students while skipping my Germany class and gave invitation cards with a prayerful heart. I invited friends from my language school. Among them, Debbi has been coming to worship service and Bible study. In 2007, I entered Pforzheim University with an Industrial Design major. Pforzheim university Design school is the top 1 or 2 in Germany and famous even in Europe and the world. The year I entered the school, I was the only foreigner among 12 freshmen. Pforzheim is one and a half hours away from Heidelberg by train. During weekdays, I studied at the dorm and served the ministry during the weekend in Heidelberg. It was hard to struggle alone and study in Germany. One missionary told me that I have to make German friends and borrow their notes to graduate because even many German students fail to graduate. Students can't graduate if they fail the test more than two times. Sometimes my classmates disappeared because they were kicked out of school. In this situation, I tried to study by faith and held onto John 15:5, "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." I sought the kingdom of God and His righteousness first. I served the ministry, worked, and studied with a language barrier. Sometimes I didn't have time to sleep. Other times, I felt helpless with fear. However, God always strengthened and encouraged me to offer my five loaves and two fish with faith. I cried out to God every day. God answered my prayers and blessed me in school studies. I was recognized among my classmates and some asked for my advice on their project. In this way, I could testify about God. One art professor who was well-known for giving poor grades gave me the best score. My professor was surprised at me saying that I improved so much in a short time. I testified about God to him and gave a Bible as a Christmas gift.

God taught me that I can bear fruit when I remain in him through my school studies.  Only by God's one-sided grace, I graduated receiving a scholarship outside of school and sponsorship from a German company for my graduation project. Without taking any 2nd exam, I finished all programs with very good grades. Among my 12 classmates, only 4 people graduated last year. I thank God and praise him for his Grace and his Glory through all these things. I thank God for Prayers of M. Kaleb, Sarah Hong and Heidelberg UBF for me.

God also raised me as a shepherd who understands German culture and German students. From the beginning, I started common life. Through my internship at a German company and studying at school, I met many people and prayed for them. God poured out His love for German people and helped me to plant the seed of prayer. I preached the gospel to my boss and coworkers. I faithfully helped 2nd gen missionary, Gloria Song as well as students in Germany.

I used to have a strong ego and willpower. I depended on myself and tried to overcome problems on my own. However, in my mission field, I faced my limitation and was helpless. I had thought that I was a vine, but I came to realize that I was just a branch. Only Jesus is the true vine. I thank God who helped me to accept this truth and depend on Him. For 7 years of missionary life, God made me fruitful inwardly and outwardly.

I pray to continue to remain in Jesus through faithful prayer, Bible reading and testimony writing. I pray to help more than one German student with the word of God this year. I pray to get a proper job and receive a working visa. I pray to establish a house church for German mission in God's right time. Amen.

One Word: Remain in Jesus! 
