Koln Easter Conf. Prayer Topics, Germany

  • by WMD
  • Apr 17, 2011
  • 970 reads


In the upcoming week leading towards Easter, we will have a Bible school, beginning Thursday night. The topic is "Happy Easter," for which we want to focus on why Easter is a truly happy event.

We will study 3 lectures:  1 Corinthians 11:17-34, Isaiah 52:13-53:12, and Acts 2:22-36, thus covering the Last Supper, the Suffering Servant of God, and the good news of Jesus' Resurrection preached by apostle Peter.

Messengers will be M. Samuel Kim (who has served, as a missionary in Virginia for more than a year), Dr. Jonathan Kang, and shp. Paul Youk. We will conclude our Easter Sunday worship service with communion, led by P. Abraham Lee. We are also looking forward to the marriages of shp. Elia Lee with Susan Hong on April 30, and Elisabeth Keller with Paul Chung jr. on June 18; and more to come!

God bless all preparations for celebrating our year of jubilee on May 29 in Seoul.  May the name of Jesus be glorified in all we say and do.

Thank you for our coworkers unceasing prayers and love for us.

In Jesus' love,
