Sh. Bunyan's Life Testimony in Kwanak III UBF, Korea

  • by WMD
  • Apr 19, 2011
  • 913 reads

Jesus, the Spring of Water Welling up to Eternal Life

* Key verse: John 4:13-14

“Jesus answered, ‘Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.’”

I was born in 1978 as the first son. My father often listened to me and counseled me attentively. After my father passed away due to lung cancer when I was a high school student, I began to have a great thirst for true friends. So I wanted to have girlfriends who could share my heart after I entered Seoul National University (SNU). First, I aimed to have about five girlfriends before the summer vacation of my freshman year. After awhile, I started dating two senior females at the same time who were attending other universities.

 I talked to them by phone in my dormitory room from night until morning and we exchanged a few letters confessing our love for each other. It seemed that my thirst for girlfriends was filled a little for the first time. By the way, as I dated two girls simultaneously, I became tired from worrying about this critical situation and about how to prevent these two girlfriends from finding out about each other. In addition, I came to have improper relationships with them regardless of my will. I suffered from guilt that I could not manage, but it was very hard to stop such relationships. On the contrary, I was eager for a deeper relationship.

Meanwhile, I attended the 1998 Summer Bible Conference as a freshman by the recommendation of one leader. I repented of my sins of passion before Jesus while listening to the second message, “Neither do I condemn you.” And I received Jesus who was crucified on the cross for me in my heart during prayer. At that time, I felt my spirit was refreshed and satisfied.

However, I did not produce fruit in keeping with repentance after the Bible conference. Instead, I sought the spring water of passion again. I kept attempting to get satisfaction through girlfriends and did not seek the spring of water in Jesus. In the meantime, I began to struggle with the sins of passion again when writing a life testimony in preparation for the summer Bible conference when I was a sophomore. When I repented of my sins depending on Jesus’ promise to give me the spring of water welling up to eternal life, the Lord gave me great freedom instead of fear and regret. The Lord did not forsake me, but accepted me like the younger son who lived wildly with the unchanging love of a father. My heart was full of great satisfaction and joy. My spirit was very refreshed when I prayed.

I also gained the power to manage schoolwork well. After that, my grades improved much and I could enter the residency program at the SNU Hospital in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation by the grace of God. Also, I married Josephine who is very beautiful, wise, and sincere spiritually. Thanks be to the Lord for saving me, one who should have died seeking passion and public recognition in vain, and for giving me the overflowing spring of water that wells up to eternal life. I pray to keep receiving this vital force fully through the spring of water and love Jesus as my true husband with a full heart. Furthermore, I pray to lead campus students who are suffering much due to spiritual thirst to know Jesus. Amen.

One Word: Jesus, the spring of water welling up to eternal life

< Prayer topics >

1. Get SNU students to study the Bible together

2. Read the Bible and pray every morning sincerely

3. My mother and younger sister to believe in Jesus

4. Learn the God of the U.S during my 2-week visit
