Gwangju I, VI UBF Spring Conf. Report, Korea

  • by WMD
  • Apr 22, 2011
  • 870 reads

From Apr. 8-10,2011, Gwangju I & VI UBF held a spring conference with the theme, "The great dream," at Bethel Conference Center at Whasoon in Korea. We thank God for blessing our conference with his wonderful words and with 171 attendees, including 9 freshmen.

On the first day, the opening message titled, "I want to see," based on Mark 10:46-52, was given by Sanghyun. After the message, we watched a movie called, "Don't cry Tonz!" which vividly described the life of the late priest, Taesuk Lee. It was really heart moving life story, leading many of the attendees to have a desire to live like him.

On the morning of the second day, Moses delivered a message titled, "Young man, get up," from Luke7:11-17. Through the message, he revealed well Jesus’ power to raisea young man from the dead. The evening message titled, "The God who gives and fulfills dreams," based on Genesis 37:1-45, was given by Peter. It was a very encouraging message, giving us the dream to become great in God in the future and to have faith in God to fulfill this dream since we are living in this dreamless generation.  

Afterward, we had a spiritual festival. The brothers and sisters did powerful and exciting dance performances. Especially, 5 freshmen participated in the dances, which was a great encouragement to us all. There was also a heart moving drama performed by students based on the life of the young dreamer, Dr. Taeyoung Ryoo.   

At the end of the day, Daniel gave a message titled, "In order to bear much fruit," based on John 15:1-17, as direction for the summer semester. We pray that God may enable us to bring 200 Sunday worship service attendees and have 300 1:1 Bible studies each week, holding on to the grace of God we received through the conference.

