Japan News Update and Prayer Topics

  • by WMD
  • Apr 24, 2011
  • 907 reads

Thank God for the relief offering from Chicago UBF for the victims of the earthquake in Japan. 1,158,519 yen from Chicago was deposited into the UBF account in Japan. We also raised a total of 850,000 yen. We plan to deliver these relief funds to victims through a trustful organization.

Japan is still in a disturbed state. Aftershocks continue in west Japan. During the past month, aftershocks with magnitudes over 5.0 occurred about 500 times. We feel aftershocks every day even in Tokyo. Recently, we had to evacuate from a building because one aftershock after another occurred in the early morning. People worry that another major earthquake will occur again. The experts say that we need to keep watch for at least the next 5-6 months.   

Actually, most people in Japan worry more about the radiation leakage from the nuclear power plants than the earthquake. The chairman of the Tokyo electric company announced that stabilizing the nuclear fuel would take 6-9 months. We pray for God’s mercy and recovery from the calamity.

Overall, our co-workers are safe. The Jo family went back to Sendai and are serving the ministry there. M. Sung-Jin is looking for a job at Tohoku University in Sendai where he did his Master's and PhD programs.  

This week, Tokyo UBF will hold an Easter Bible Conference from Apr. 23-24. The messengers will be Terasaki (1 Corinthians 15:1-34) and Ezra (1 Corinthians 15:35-58). Through this conference, I pray we may reaffirm our resurrection faith and continue to serve the work of God by faith.   

We are also praying for Caleb from Tokyo UBF who is going to visit Cambodia for two weeks on a business trip.  We pray that he may plant the seed of prayer for Cambodian mission during his business trip.      

Thank you for your faithful prayer support for Japan.

M. Daniel from Tokyo