Athens UBF Easter Conf. Report, Greece

  • by WMD
  • Apr 26, 2011
  • 1010 reads

“Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?” (John 11:25-26)

Dear co-workers in Jesus Christ,

We praise and give thanks to our Lord who is the resurrection and the life and who allows us to live the most blessed life in this empty and sinful world. Even though we are still unfaithful and unworthy, the Risen Christ uses us for his glory. We held a historical united Happy Easter Bible Festival from Apr. 15-17 through prayer support from all over the world. It was full of much grace, and many attendees gathered at the house of M. Mark Lee. On the first day, we had a total of 21 attendees (6 missionaries, 1 leader, 6 second generation missionaries, and 8 Bible students).    

On April 15, M. Mark led the group Bible study and the message based on John 11, “I am the resurrection and the life.” He testified that Jesus showed his divine love rather than human love by planting resurrection faith. Until now, the Lord has helped M. Mark to be self-supporting and to learn the Greek language and culture through the Korean Trade Center. We pray that God may bless him to have success in his personal business for the next 40 years as a lay missionary. We pray that God may allow his family an unlimited residence permit in Greece. We also pray that God may raise Brother Panos as an ancestor of faith and 7 disciples of Jesus among MT University students.

On April 16, Stamatios served the group Bible study and the message based on John 19, “It is finished.” We pray that God may give him victory on his two school subjects and report. During these three days, many Korean language students of M. Barnabas attended the Happy Easter Bible Festival. On the second day, he invited 8 students. On this day, we had a total of 25 attendees. After the program, we shared in heavenly joy through eating Korean food together prepared by the Korean women missionaries. We were surprised because one sister prepared kimbap.

On April 17, M. Paul served the group Bible Study and the message according to John 20: “Is the resurrection the truth or not?” Maria shared a heart moving life testimony. We pray that the Risen Christ may grant her a treatment and a job. On this day, we had a total of 20 attendees. After the program, we had fellowship over eating pizza.

We thank M. Mark’s family for their sacrificial love for this Happy Easter Bible Festival. We thank God because he gave us a great vision that many students would come through this event. We pray to prepare the Athens Balkan Summer Bible Conference through 1000 times of united prayer.            

From Athens, M. Paul
