French Easter Conf. Report

  • by WMD
  • Apr 27, 2011
  • 1009 reads

From April 22 to 24, our French ministry had a spring Easter conference. Our theme was « God operates in us the will and the work » based on Ph 2 :13. Including 4 persons from Geneva Switzerland, 3 from Nantes and 1 from Toulouse, totally 48 persons participated.

This can be  considered also as « disciple candidates conference ». On the first evening, Sheperdess Ene preached Ps 1 as an opening message. She repented her carnal desire for trying to earn her salvation by works of the flesh.  She struggles to fill her heart and mind with the word of God. Shepherd Liivar Leppik preached the Luke 1 « Soaring Sun » as the first main message. He underlined very well the fact that Jesus is the Salvation horn and Soaring sun with some personal testimony. On the second day, the devotional message was preached by David Choi with the title of « Forgiveness and Justification » based on Ac 13b. He confessed his bad habits of sin and troubleness of mind with guiltiness because of them, but exclaimed that God justified him through Jesus’ blood. After that, we ate breakfast and studied the bible on Luke Ch 24 for Jesus’ resurrection.

The 4 symposium leader directed the 4 groupes. Sh. Eric Nicolle preached the main message « He is risen » on the same word that we studied. His preaching was well prepared and touched many students. After lunch, we wrote the testimonies and shared them. Some group spent more than 2 hours for the sharing. In the evening, we had a symposium on the theme of « work » in dividing in two groups letting each choose the group. One group was directed by Thierry Clio who presented the subject « how to follow Jesus » around Luke 9c and another group by Bruno Aussant « how to give » around 2Co 9b. This symposium program was for the fist time in our conference, but it received many good reactions from participants.

After the symposium, sister Daylene Annonay presented her testimony. She had a serious problem of future working life, and she struggled for that for many years. But by grace of God, she was employed by one consulting company. She testified that God gave her many grace when she was in trouble in this problem and now she decided to be faithful in Sunday worship service participation and studying the Bible and wrighting the testimony. And Msn. Timothy Yu shared his testimony. He had a guilty sentiment after the suicide of his sheep. But he confessed he received the forgiveness of Jesus through Ac 13. The third day, we heard from Angelo Nogara the morning devotion message based on Exodus 30 with title of « Altar and Gift, signs of faithfulness. » He prepared well the message and preached with conviction. He confessed that he participated faithfully in morning Daily bread meeting which strengthened him, but in the evening, he was tired and distracted. He decided to be more faithful in prayer.

Second symposium was held with the theme of « Be » (it is related also to « Will ») in dividing into two groups also. Sara Nicolle directed first group with the subject of « Justification » and Dr. Marc Choi directed second group with the subject of « Incarnation ». Many people was zealous and learning these doctrinal subjects very heartfully. In fact, through theses symposiums we tried to acquire the solid bases of christian faith. There was a very favorable responses from all members and because of this, one coworker said that it was a conference without precedent. The Sunday worship service was held by the presentation of life testimony of Dr Marc Choi with the title of « According to my eager expection… » (Ph 1 :20) Many were moved by this testimony.

We had a Lord’s last supper ceremony, because it was Easter. As a closing messenger, sister Angela Liu was established. She preached the message titled « The parable of sewer » (Mark 4a). After this message, she decided to search and implant herself more in the God’s word like a good soil. She began to come to Daily Bread regularily. Thank God who teached us through this conference what are His Will and Work for us who serve God’s mission. I pray we all together teach the Bible more eagerly to the students, so that they receive God’s salvation, even though in this postmodern era, many abandonned God and his word especially in this liberal and secular country France.

After this conference, we will meet together with the elders and chief missionaries in French speaking countries in Europe, so that we begin to prepare the francophone summer bible conference which will be held from 4 to 7 August.  Please pray for us.
