2011 Uganda UBF Easter Bible Conf. Report

  • by WMD
  • Apr 29, 2011
  • 1210 reads

The victorious Christian Life (Romans 8:37)

Date: April 22-24, 2011

Place: JinJa YWAM, Discovery Center

We praise and thank God for his abundant blessing upon Uganda UBF 2011 Easter conference.  Total number attended are 85, Makerere chapter 52, Kyambogo chapter 27, and 6 children.

Most of the students went home for their Easter celebration. But most of the UBF members came to attend this Conference with prepared hearts.  It was God’s wonderful work among us.  The Conference program was tight.  As soon as we arrived we had an opening message delivered by Shepherdess Rachel Niringiye. She is a Makerere Law-School graduate. She has been so faithful to God and to the ministry. She is one of the junior Shepherds.  Her message was from Romans 8:28-39 and her key verse was Romans 8:37. It reads, “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.”  Her message opened the conference and matched with the Conference theme, “The victorious Christian life.”  When we believe God’s love in our hearts, we are more than conquerors even in the midst of trials and sufferings.  We do not want be defeated, but we want be victors in Christ Jesus.

After lunch, we divided into groups and studied 1 Corinthians 15: 1-11.  Through Bible study we prepared the First lecture.  The message was delivered by Msn. Moses Agaba . He was sent as a pioneering missionary to Rwanda last February.  We learned from his message the core of the Gospel; what Jesus has done for us. His message was original and true to the Bible.  Right now Moses stays in Rwanda as a missionary and teaches Bible to students in Rwanda. We are praying for him to get a job and rent a Bible house near the Campus. Evening time, we had a special lecture prepared by Dr. Samuel Yoo titled, “Christian World View.” 

We went to sleep early for the next day morning devotion.  We gathered again in group, read Bible based on the daily bread guide, meditated and shared. Before breakfast we ate spiritual food. After breakfast we had another group Bible study based on John‘s gospel chapter 11.  Second lecture was delivered by Shep. John Sejemba, a Kyambogo shepherd.  John’s two sisters also came to attend the Easter conference. His parents are devoted Christians.  John’s father is scheduled for second brain surgery on May due to brain tumor.  John confessed that he really needed resurrection faith.  We all prayed for the family.  On Saturday afternoon we had time to write Bible testimony and shared in groups. Some of them had difficulty in writing testimonies.  Especially new comers needed to learn how to write Bible testimony.  From 5pm to 7pm, brothers still had time to enjoy sports fellowship.  Men’s soccer team and volley ball team, women’s soccer team and basketball team were enjoying outdoor sports. 

At evening, we had a Camp fire, and shepherdess Sarah Ekyohairwe delivered her message based on her shepherd life in Kyambogo UBF ministry.  She is the one who feed many girl sheep in Kyambogo.  Out of 27 members 18 are women in Kyambogo UBF attended in this conference.  It is contrary to Makerere UBF.   After Sarah’s message we had a skit performed by Makerere students. They were so talented that they did not need much practice.  Some students said Camp Fire was the best program for them. The skit was written by Shep.Timothy, one of the Junior Shepherds.  He is one of  the common life team members.       

Finally on Easter Sunday, we had another group bible study based on Mark 16:1-20.  Our third lecture, and Sunday message was delivered by Shep. Ambrose Ashabahebwa.  He is a Makerere graduate and one of five Junior shepherds. In his message he dealt with Jesus’ disciples’ unbelieving problem. Unbelieving is not an intellectual problem but the hardened hearts and stubborn refusal.  Despite of this, Risen Jesus visited them and met with them until they opened their spiritual eyes.

We also learned Risen Jesus and his own faith toward his weak and fearful disciples that they would be powerful witnesses of Jesus.  He commissioned them, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation. “  Ambrose concluded his message that Uganda may be missionary sending country to neighboring countries like Rwanda, Burundi, South Sudan, and Republic of Democratic Congo. 

God blessed 2011 Uganda UBF Easter Bible conference more than we expected.  First of all we had abundant Words of God.  Through the Words of God, many attendants were touched by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ at this Easter. Easter is just the Holyday to many Ugandan people who left out the true meaning of Easter. Through Easter conference, God planted resurrection faith and hope in the hearts of Ugandan students. Group leaders served this conference wholeheartedly. They were the top leaders like Patrick Ogwang, Dr. Lillian, Shep. Steven, Dr. Magaret.  Dr. Luke Lim, Dr. Rebekah Lim, Msn. Mary Yoo, Esther Chung, and Dr. Joseph Chung. Some students said Group Bible study and sharing was the best part of the Conference.  Missionaries worked together with brothers and sisters during conference. So we had joy of serving in our hearts.   

Secondly, messengers were chosen from Junior Shepherds.  They experienced the power of God’s words.  We give thanks to God for the growth of Junior Shepherds.  Many apostles such as Deo Gracious, Tom, Fred, Dan and Nakato did well so that the program could continue as arranged.

New Apostle group worked together with Dr. Luke Lim for this conference.  Dr Luke said, he was relaxed and enjoyed the Easter conference because of their help.  Ugandan brothers are very creative and have willingness to serve God, if only the direction and guidance is given to them.  May the Lord work mightily among our brothers and sisters and make Uganda a Kingdom Priests and Holy Nation. Amen.  

Written by Esther Chung
