Bolivia Easter Conf. Report

  • by WMD
  • May 04, 2011
  • 617 reads

We had our EBC for 4 days on Easter weekend with the title of "Jesus the servant" with 50 attendants. The opening message was delivered by Sh. Marco "Jesus who served Zachaeus. First lecture by Sh. Rorenzo "Jesus who asked water" Third lecture by Sh. Abraham"Jesus who came to serve." Closing message by M. Paulina "Go into the whole world." We had a special lecture for Leadership by the leader of ALFA Y OMEGA. 6 new students attended. Andreina , Gabriela, Paola, Iver, Emanuel, Alberto,Javier, Gary shared their life testimonies. By the work of the Holy Spirit, they confessed their sins and accepted Jesus as their Savior and were filled with joy and thanks. As a fruit of the conference 19 students made a decision to receive 7 weeks' discipleship training. After the conference we divided two groups and began training.  Our leaders are gradually learning how to serve their Bible students.  It would have been easy to blame students’ hard heart and closed mind for their reluctance to participate in the EBC; however, the problem was that Jesus’ shepherd heart was not revealed in their care.  God is revealing Jesus shepherd heart for his all his sheep—the leaders and their Bible students. 

Our prayer topics:

1. Esteban Cho's Mark's gospel message.
2. 16 disciples receiving training.
3. 100 1:1 Bible study (Now 60 1:1) and 70 Sunday worship attendants.
4. 24 House Churches until 2015.
5. Finish Center building.


Esteban Cho
