Zimbabwe Easter Academy Report

  • by WMD
  • May 09, 2011
  • 850 reads

1. Conference Preparation

From April 16-17, prior to Easter, we had an Easter Academy at our center. We raised a total of 13 life testimony sharers and 3 group Bible study leaders. Five medical school junior students participated in this preparation despite their busy schedule and upcoming important exams. We prayed for each leader to invite at least one student and God heard our prayer and brought many students.    

2. The work of God’s words

The program began with group Bible studies at 9:30 am led by Andrew, Love-more, and Spe. Onward spoke on 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 and testified to Jesus as our only Savior, who died and was raised from the dead according to the Scriptures. Through living together with other brothers, we pray that he may grow as a shepherd like Jesus.

In the afternoon, we studied John 2. Afterward, the sisters watched a movie and the brothers played soccer. In the evening, we shared life testimonies. Most of our students are suffering under severe family matters and personal problems. But we thank God for their spiritual growth in Jesus. Martin confessed that true blessing comes from learning about Jesus, not from human success or solving life problems. Tapywa, a medical student, made a decision in prayer to live a pure life without compromising like many medical doctors who earn much money by taking bribes to do artificial abortion surgeries illegally.

On Sunday morning, we prayed together earnestly for the country and for ourselves. After prayer, we had the Sunday worship service and Blessed delivered a message on John 21 with the title, “Do you truly love me?”We learned that one expression of love for Jesus is to feed his flock. We pray that we may all grow as a shepherd like Jesus and feed his sheep. 

3. Servants who prepared the environment

Thank God for M. Susana who served delicious food during the conference and for M. Caleb's family’s faithful caring for the sister house. Thank God for Andrew who prepared powerpoint slides for the worship service and for all the servants who served all the programs diligently. Thank God for our growing leaders who worked together with great stewardship.     

On Easter Sunday, Oliver delivered a Sunday message based on 1 Corinthians. His workplace is far, so he often missed Sunday worship service. In spite of his limitations in serving God, God is so gracious upon his life in raising him as a faithful and influential man of God in his family and at his workplace.      

4. Prayer topics

1. M. James’s health, disciple-making ministry, and his Sunday worship service message

2. M. Caleb’s one-to-one ministry and self-supporting job in the photography business

3. Yeongjong’s spiritual growth

4. Families of Tinago,Oliver,Shepherd,Edington,and Jonaand their co-working and house church ministries
