Bulgarian UBF Update and Prayer Topics

  • by WMD
  • May 17, 2011
  • 1072 reads

A few weeks ago we had a graceful Easter SWS. This year Protestants, Catholics and Orthodox celebrated Easter in the same day and we had a very special feeling about that. God helped us to memorize 1 Corinth. Chapter15. We give thanks and praise our God who gave us the good news of Jesus’ resurrection! I confess that living as a witness of Jesus’ resurrection is a great privilege and an absolute obligation. We pray that God may use us this year all the more as witnesses of Jesus’ resurrection.

Happy news is that Cathy Jr. was accepted at the Seoul National University as a Korean Literature and Language major. She chose this course because she wanted to have a clear identity as a Korean. She wants to understand Korean culture, history and language and literature. We pray that God may bless Cathy Jr.’s life in Korea and that she may become the light and the salt in SNU and Korea. 

The life of shepherd Georgi is giving much grace to the missionaries. He really wants to receive God’s holiness and to be entirely caught in Him. He is living a common life with brother Luchezar (MA in Engineering at the Technical University) since last year. He wants to serve one person with all his heart. Brother Luchezar has been attending the SWS regularly for a year now and has been studying regularly 1:1 BS with sheph. Georgi. And there is a small but steadily growing fruit of the Gospel in him. He is trying to invite his friends to Bible study. Sheph. Georgi is having sports fellowship with other brothers and through it he is struggling to invite them to Bible study.

Meanwhile, we have started reading the Bible from Genesis in our Morning Prayer Time. We read an hour per day. The Bible reading is a great challenge for all of us. The Gospel is God’s living word which touches the hearts of missionaries and sheep.

There is going to be a Balkan SBC in Greece from 13th-15th August.  We are praying that missionaries from Greece, Macedonia, Romania, Serbia and Bulgaria will work together for the preparation of the conference. We pray for a wonderful message and messengers. We also pray for the pioneering of the 165 Balkan universities by 2020; also for the pioneering of Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina. We missionaries pray especially for the establishment of shepherd Georgi’s house church in God's time. We pray that God may send His time a special someone prepared for just him. Amen. 

James Kang
