Jakarta UBF Easter Conf. Report, Indonesia

  • by WMD
  • May 18, 2011
  • 1122 reads

From May 22 to 24, a beautiful Easter Bible conference was held at a villa in Jakarta. Bekey and Andrew from the Unas chapter, which was pioneered last year, joined. The title was “Stand Firm!” and the total number of attendees was 22, including 10 growing Indonesian leaders and 9 Bible students. Before the main message, we studied the Bible in groups or one to one. Dwi delivered the first main message based on Isaiah 43:1-28 with the title, “See, I Am Doing a New Thing!” Through his message, we deeply met God who is doing a new work through his Son Jesus who freed us from the burden of sin and death.     

In the evening, Eta spoke on 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 with the title, “By the Grace of God, I Am What I Am.” She announced the core of the gospel and its meaning. Sri and Isabella performed a duo-drama to support the message. After the message, we watched a movie about UBF history where we learned about M. Sarah Barry’s sacrificial life and Dr. Samuel Lee’s disciple-making spirit. Through learning the faith of God’s servants, we could have a clear identity and desire to follow their spiritual legacy by planting the seed of the gospel in Indonesia.

After that, 9 people did presentations on 9 colleges which they graduated from and presented each college's vision, prayer topics, and admissions information using pictures and short clips. 

On the second day, Hengky delivered a message with the title, “He was Pierced and Crushed.” Dwi and Jeongseok performed a duo-drama before his message and revealed Jesus who bore our sins on the cross on our behalf and made us children of God by his grace. Dwi in his acting showed the real pain of Jesus by throwing himself down on the floor two times. After the message, we had a communion service to celebrate and remember Jesus' suffering. 

After lunch, we had to cancel mountain climbing due to the rain. Therefore, instead, we had a deep testimony writing time until late at night based on Isaiah 43 and 53, and the next morning, we shared them in groups.  

Even with a cold and body aches, Peter K. delivered the Sunday message on 1 Corinthians 15:12-58 with the title, “The Resurrection Power and Glory.” Eta, Rubi, and Rahayu performed a trio-drama. We learned that the glory of the resurrection is surely God's promise for each one of us and the resurrection glory changes our life attitude and enables us to live a life of faith. 

We are so thankful to God who gave us his vision and promise that he will do a new work in us and among us.  We are also thankful for the resurrection hope which we were equipped with through this conference. We have been praying for over 13 years with the vision to pioneer 11 countries in Southeast Asia: Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia, and the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste. God has been hearing our prayers and sent two medical students from Malaysia three years ago who are now growing as spiritual leaders. May God continue to bless our prayers and raise us as a missionary-sending chapter and a power station for Southeast Asia mission.   
