Abraham Song's graduation testimony, U of I

  • by WMD
  • May 19, 2011
  • 1032 reads

Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” – Matthew 28:18-20

My parents named me Abraham so that I may live as a source of blessing to other people. I am in the process of learning slowly but surely that Jesus is the greatest source of blessing because He died for my sins, was buried, and rose from the dead. In him, I can have full certainty in my salvation and eternal life.

While at the U of I, I realized how terrible of a sinner I am. I have been a sucker more than a blessing. I always felt like I did not have much to offer, and because of this mentality, I ended up being a burden to others more than a blessing. I did so when I stayed in the brother’s house. God gave me such a great opportunity to bless others at the U of I, but I failed in many respects. I did not serve the church with my whole heart. I was always discontented by the fact that I seemed to be the only undergraduate attending different meetings, and how I was expected to be in the mature level of church leadership group. In the light of God’s holy standards, I am afraid to say that I glorified God through 4 years at U of I because of all my failures.

My confidence, however, is that God’s love is far greater than all my failures. This is my repentance that I may put off my selfishness, and become generous to God and my neighbors with my time and resources. God has hope for me and continues to work through me to become more like Jesus. It is hard to believe in this because I am extremely weak and unreliable. Wherever I go, I plan to do something useful with my own hands so that I may have something to share with those in need. I want to serve others as Jesus served us with the gospel. I thank God for his love and blessings. I thank God for AP Sam’s mentorship. Also, I thank God for all the U of I coworkers for their love in Christ. Please pray that I may be a blessing to my neighbors wherever I go and be a witness of Jesus’ grace in my life.

M. Abraham Song came to attend his son’s graduation ceremony and shared Moscow UBF prayer topics as follows:

1.     Pray that through Acts Bible study, coworkers may be filled with the Holy Spirit and be united in spirit.

2.     Pray for messengers: Shp. Konstantin Kalinkin, Shp. Alexey Belykh, Shp. Pavel Zaharov, Msn. Stephen Kim, and Shp. Alexander Rusanov

3.     Pray for student invitation and student discipleship ministry

4.     Pray that Russia may become Kingdom of Priests and a Holy Nation

5.     Pray for the 8 practical committee members that they may discern God’s direction and create a good spiritual environment in the church

6.     Pray for the Moscow UBF delegates to the World Mission Report 2011 that they may be renewed in heart and faith.

a.     Shepherds: Konstantin Kalinkin, Alexey Belykh, Lena Park, Maria Kukushkina, Vika Piven, and Olga Belykh

b.    Many Missionary families
