An interview article- Historical meaning of Korea UBF 50th anniversary, Deulsoritimes (Korea Christian Newspaper)

  • by WMD
  • May 26, 2011
  • 1238 reads

UBF exclusive laymen self-supporting mission (mission specialists) will greatly contribute to Korea and to the world.

  • UBF strength of disciple making is one to one Bible study
  • The current number of UBF missionary is 1740 in 93 countries - It is in the first place of sending missionaries among the Korean churches and mission organizations.
  • On May 29th, it will hold its’ world mission report and on May 30 - Jun1st missionary seminar.

This year UBF (University Bible Fellowship) is going to celebrate its 50th anniversary. UBF has been growing rapidly not only in Korea but in the world since Sep 1961.  It began from Gwangju, Korea by the founding members late Dr. Samuel Lee and M. Sarah Barry who was sent to Korea from USA.   

I had an exclusive interview with UBF general director Dr. John Jun (70) who recently came to serve UBF 50th anniversary from UBF world mission headquarter Chicago in USA at UBF Korea headquarter, Chongro 5 street in Korea. He has been leading UBF ministry for past 6 years as the UBF general director but his passion and affection for UBF ministry was still passionate. 

Dr. Jun said that God blessed UBF missionary with the number 1740 in 93 countries - UBF strength of disciple making are (1) one to one Bible study (expository message) and (2) faithful prayer for world mission. Because raising disciples only come from Bible students the disciples also can serve God as apostle Paul did as laymen self-supporting missionaries (mission specialists). "The work of UBF Laymen self-supporting ministry is quite exclusive. It might have been the first attempt to follow apostle Paul's self-supporting missionary work in the world when UBF attempted to follow apostle Paul as the role model of UBF in1970.  We have been united in prayer for this.” Dr. Jun said. 

He also said that he clearly experienced God's mighty work prospering UBF ministry tremendously when he had come to God with sincere heart in prayer and zeal for God even in the midst of dark times. It was during the Korean dictators’ reign such as Chun Dowhan and Roh Taewoo when he had come to God with sincere heart in prayer and zeal for God.  When the Korean students were in anger and despaired under the dictators' regime in1980s he and Korea UBF advocated Bible Korea and world mission (At the time he was serving as the Korea UBF director).  

At a result God blessed UBF ministry marvelously and sent 1000 missionaries to the world in 10 years. Dr. John Jun came to know Christ during his college years in 1961 through UBF one to one Bible study. He also succeeded Korea UBF directorship after Late Dr. Samuel Lee left for USA as missionary in 1977. He led Korea UBF ministry for 28 years increasing great number in quantity as well as quality.       

Then what is the secret of the great work of God that sent 1740 missionaries in 50 years at UBF?  They are going to look back on the UBF 50 years work and UBF Spirit and to look for the future UBF vision at this time. Because of this, about 400 UBF missionaries will come to visit Korea from 9 continents. They will intensively discuss the successing and developing UBF ministry through UBF world mission report on May 29th at Jangchung gymnasium and through the missionary seminar on May30-Jun1th.   

The strong point of UBF mission is that there is no limitation for them to reach out to the people of Islam and Hindu (which church ministers could not do) because self-supporting missionaries and mission specialists can be welcomed everywhere. When I asked him about the mission strategy for Islam he answered, "You should not be afraid of them."   

UBF one to one Bible study is useful to approach the people of Islam. But the problem is that if one family member accepts Christ he or she will be excommunicated from the family then the Bible teacher has to support this person. Therefore Dr. Jun urged Korean church to actively love and preach the gospel to the people of Islam in Korea because there are no problems with Muslims in Korea. He emphasized by saying, "Do not be afraid of the lifeless Muslim but have clear confidence that the gospel is power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes." 

He also said that in order for UBF ministry to continue to develop and grow with others as worldwide mission work in a rapidly changing world, we have to follow Jesus who helped one by one and raised 12 disciples, instead of preaching many crowds. Especially he emphasized that we have to give clear life direction to the campus students who are seeking true freedom and truth based on John 8:32 " The truth will set you free."

Only those college student who have clear life direction in Jesus during their college years, can make a great contribution to the society after graduation and can also serve God without being shaken. Those who participated in the suffering of Christ, in the discipleship training learning obedience to God can also participate in the fruitful world mission work.

John Jun was the first fruit of the UBF ministry. He was a physician and was appointed as director of Korea UBF. 6 years ago, he started as general director after Dr. Samuel and Missionary Sarah Barry, the founders of UBF. He has been endeavoring to establish work of God through on and off line. He opened first headquarter web site (, around 11 volunteers have been serving each continental news and prayer topics on a daily basis and it incorporates the work of God around the world.
He visited 6 continents in three months each year. There he met missionaries in their fields, held hands on to pray together and could help those who were in needy both body and spirit with encouragement.  He also has given his whole effort to keep the evangelism, pure gospel spirit in spite of secularism since he presented it at his general director inaugural ceremony. He strengthened the relationship with other organizations such as CGL (USA missionary sending group), and EMS (Christian scholars association). The doubled up disciple ministry has yield in the United States with over 600 new spiritual leaders in the past six years as well as South America and Oceania.

Now a day, he wonders about the Korea churches spiritual reality with deep sadness. “Thorough repentance is needed with a detailed plan for spiritual revival” he said. He again emphasized that whole churches in Korea need to work hard to overcome secularism and some spiritual leaders’ immoralities which degrade the ability of the Holy Spirit and God’s grace.  “A frog in warm water, which represents worldly pleasures, keeps staying in it thinking it is good to be here little more and later the frog dies when the water becomes hot. Likewise, many Christians in Korea, who already accepted the gospel truth, are enjoying materialism, worldly pleasure seeking life styles, and relativism. They know what is right, but do not want to give them up.” he said.    

He said that it is possible to overcome it when we live like servants, waiting on Jesus’ second coming every day with a clear life attitude to put the gospel of Jesus and its promise as the first priority in our practical lives.
