(Videos) 50th UBF Anniversary Missionary Seminar Report, Seoul

  • by WMD
  • Jun 01, 2011
  • 906 reads

Following the World Mission Report 2011, approximately 700 UBF members (550  missionaries and 150 Korean leaders ) had a 3-day missionary conference from May 30 to June1 at the hotel for the Seoul Education and Cultural Institute.

Dr. Samuel  H. Lee gave a meaningful opening message entitled, “What Do These Stones Mean?” (Joshua 4:21-22)  M. Barry delivered the main message. The title was “A Testimony to All Nations.” (Matthew 24:1-35) She emphasized what God is doing in these times, what He will do and how we should respond. First, He is working to help His elect stand firm. Second, He is now working everywhere through His elect. Third, He will gather His elect from everywhere. We can respond to God by loving God and loving one another.

There were 6 presentations about the spirit, ministry and vision of UBF by 15 Korean staff members. They  wholeheartedly prepared and gave very impressive lectures. The six presentations were as follows:

1.  Introduction to the Spirit, Ministry and Vision of UBF
2.  Campus Ministry for Discipleship
3.  World Mission and Self-supporting Missionaries
4.  The Power and Influence of the Believing Community
5.   Pioneering and Having an Independent Spirit
6.  To the Ends of the Earth: North Korea and Beyond

Six excellently prepared track sessions received many sincere responses:

1.  Raising Native Leaders (Mark Vucecovich)
2.   The Development and Passing on of National Leaders(Moses Yoon)
3.   The Necessity and Management of Continuing Missionary Education (Mark Yang)
4.   Empowering the Next Generation (Peter Chang)
5.   2nd generation Education Ministry (Jacob Lee)
6.   Co-working and Communication (Ron Ward and Paul Hong)

S. Abraham Staas and Dr. William Altobar shared their testimonies.  We heard a very heart-moving choral performance accompanied by a brass band and orchestra.  Arirang and Returning to Kumkang Mount were two of many repertories that were presented. We also saw a powerful video clip of the late Dr. Samuel Lee as well as heard reports from M. Barry, Dr. John Jun and Dr. Samuel Lee about what God has done through UBF.

Both S. David Kim and Dr. Abraham T. Kim gave acceptance speeches as the next Korean UBF Director and UBF General Director, respectively. Dr. John Jun and M. Barry ordained them.

S. David kim delivered a very heart moving closing message based on 2 Tim 3:1-17. He said all the great things that happened before our eyes last 50 years was because God moved our hearts through his heart moving word. Therefore he urged us to go back to the Bible for the next 50 years. Afterwards, all participants knelt down 5 by 5 and prayed for the 140 remaining nations to be pioneered by 2041 through 100,000 missionaries.
