Japan News Update

  • by WMD
  • Jun 06, 2011
  • 1004 reads

Now days, Japan is becoming a lot more stable because of the decrease of aftershocks. Still, the problem of radioactivity leak is going on. However, it doesn’t seem to lead to another major accident because of the many supports from other countries, which have various nuclear power plant technologies. We pray for God’s mercy and quick restoration on victims.  There may be no more calamities.

Thank you for sending us the relief money from Chicago. The total amount is 1,423,014 yen. And we donated it to Shinjuku ward, Tokyo where Japan UBF headquarter building is. Shinjuku ward also passed it to Japanese Red Cross and it is going to be delivered to the victims of earthquake, Tsunami, and radioactivity. P. Ron Ward wanted to know about Ray, Tsukasa, and Siegmund Goddard and their recent situation. They are safe and doing well in God’s grace. Ray and Tsukasa Grondin currently living in downtown in Oita prefecture (Related news at http://ubf.org/content/nagasaki-easter-conf-news-japan) are planning to purchase a new center near to Oita University and also pray for the work of God at Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University where he is working. Siegmund Goddard got a job as a full time teacher at Tokyo Korean School this year and we are praying for his marriage.

We are truly thankful and appreciate you and all coworkers around world who show their love and heart for us.

Daniel from Tokyo