Jeju UBF Visiting News and Prayer Topics, Korea

  • by WMD
  • Jun 26, 2011
  • 823 reads

After attending 50th anniversary of UBF several missionaries from different countries visited Jeju island. Dr. Samuel and Hannah Park gave them warm welcome. Here is a short history of Jeju UBF and prayer topics. In the 1960s the first UBF missionary to abroad was sent to Jeju Island. God sent Dr. Samuel Park and Hannah Park from Jong Ro in 1982 to Jeju Island. They coworked Jeju UBF for 13 years as lay missionary family to grow from around 10 members to 100. They quietly supported the ministry to move from a manger like center into a three store center including a basement. They were sent out to pioneer Hanla Center in 1995.

God used Dr. Samuel Park as a lay shepherd as a professor of History at Jeju University. God blessed this family so abundantly that their three daughters all had beautiful house churches. The first daughter Eunhe (Grace) married S. James Lee who came to Jeju Island in 2004 and delivered Sunday messages for six years and went to pioneer ChungJu UBF in 2010. The second daughter Jihe (wisdom) married S. JungUn of Younhee UBF and now is in Boston for her Post Doctor in Harvard medical school. The third daughter Eunmi (Pauline) married M. Jacob Kim and she passed American medical doctor examination last month. Dr. Samuel changed his own name from Timothy when he retired February this year in order to follow Dr. Samuel Lee's spirit as well as the prophet Samuel. He wrote a book named "Synthetic Interpretation on Renaissance Humanism- focusing on Erasumus-like Humanists' religious Thoughts."

The work of God has been slow among Jeju students but their keeping faith and their raising second genes to be great shepherds' house churches are very remarkable. M. Barry suggested them to be silver missionary to USA supporting their children's mission. Thank and praise God for their keeping the lamp of God in Jeju and Hanla.
