Sendai News and Prayer Topics, Japan

  • by WMD
  • Jul 09, 2011
  • 823 reads

Because of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, many lost their jobs. One of my Bible students also lost his job and is looking for a new job because his company was wiped out by the tsunami. Nowadays, life has stabilized and we are well supplied with all physical necessities. We are continually praying for the safety of our Bible students and to resume Bible study with them. We are praying for one of them who is living in Fukushima where the radioactivity leakage was the worst. We are praying that she can move to Sendai. Other students are studying the Bible by email. Another student whose parents are living in the area where the tsunami struck most severely told us that they were safe and everything was okay except for their car which floated away.

Thank you for your prayer support. Please continue to pray for us. 

Prayer Topics:

1.      Struggle to do Daily Bread and prayer on a daily basis

2.      Restoration of Bible studies with students

3.      Sungjin may get a job at Tohoku University

4.      Mihyeon’s teaching job at a Korean school in Tokyo