The 4th European CBF Conf. Report

  • by WMD
  • Jul 11, 2011
  • 1150 reads

Thank God for abundantly blessing the 4th European CBF conference in Czech Republic and for the work of the Holy Spirit among our UBF second generations. I especially want to give special thanks to M. Hanna S. and congratulate her for her hard work in successfully preparing and directing this program in detail for the last 6 months. I also thank her for influentially serving the European ministry with many other missionaries of Central Europe and being a good example to many leaders in Europe.

At the 4th European CBF conference, I had the following strong impressions:
Firstly, there was growth. Compared to the Europe CBF Conference from last year, there was a great growth in both spiritual and human aspects. I saw the work of the Holy Spirit with many CBF children receiving the love of God and confessing Jesus as Savior. And I was surprised to see that they even made much progress in learning Korean. When I saw the lovely children professing their faith seriously, I could have a vision for second generation missionaries to be the actual heroes in the future of the European ministry. I earnestly pray that each second generation child may grow as a spiritual general who can nurture 10,000 disciples of Jesus.

Secondly, it was the work of mother missionaries who served the conference with full devotion and perfect co-working. I thank and praise God for mother missionaries who took care of the CBF kids with love and prayers, especially with Bible studies from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. every day, keeping an eye on them at all times. Seeing our missionaries’ co-working and devotion, I found that M. Hanna’s personal prayer and faith was more precious than diamonds. By her good example, I pray that all European co-workers may pray for a spiritual awakening locally and for all of Europe and pioneer 1,700 campuses and form a spiritual vessel together. May God bless the European UBF ministry to serve the work of sending out 100,000 missionaries and use Europe as a missionary sending continent again!

Thirdly, it was the work of the house church ministry in Europe UBF. As I saw growing CBF second generations, I could see the panorama of our house church ministry arising in Europe. It has already been 42 years since we came to Europe to preach the gospel to college students by God’s calling. Korea was one of the two poorest countries in the world, but God fulfilled his great work in Europe through the professional lay missionaries sent from Korea. Beginning with a small house church for campus ministry established in Germany in 1969, it has expanded to 45 European countries, like France, England, Switzerland, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Greece, Romania, Macedonia, Croatia, and so on. Now it seems that we have two wings in the European campus ministry due to growing second generation missionaries who began to gain spiritual influence at the campuses. I pray that we may not only spiritually educate our second generations, but also actively serve European campus ministry through faithfully practicing group Bible study, 1:1 Bible studies, and writing and sharing testimonies in each mission field.  

From now on we are going to have a European CBF conference in Central Europe every two years. I pray for Central Europe UBF to support the entire European house church ministry and continue to influentially serve European campus pioneering ministry. I also ask for God’s blessing on the next Central European UBF Bible conference to be held in Czech Republic in 2012. I pray that God may give M. Paul and Esther C. such great faith, spirit, and devotion as M. Hanna S. has showed so that they may form a more influential Christian community that is full of the words of God, prayer, mission, and love. Through this, I pray and am looking forward to the amazing work of the Holy Spirit which will lead many Germans to be raised as leaders in each country of Central Europe.

Lastly, I would like to ask for your prayer support for the upcoming YLC (Young Leaders' Conference) to be held in Germany in Europe from July 29-August 3. God has answered Dr. John Jun’s and many other mission co-workers’ prayers and blessed our preparation for the European YLC thus far. In particular, I thank God for Dr. John Jun’s participation in the YLC. Furthermore, I thank God for our mission co-workers, Dr. Paul (Toledo UBF), L. Sarah (Chicago UBF), David (DuPage UBF), and Dr. Samuel G. (Ottawa UBF) who are going to attend this YLC and actively devote themselves to the work of empowering the next generation. And I also thank those who are coming from other continents, Dr. Luke from Africa, M. Joseph’s family from the Middle East, Dr. Elias and M. Paulo from Central America, and some more mission co-workers from the CIS, Asia, and Korea. On the first day of the conference, we are going to have a time of reviewing and appreciating the 50 years of UBF ministry and the spiritual heritage well presented during the missionary seminar from May 30-June 2 in Korea. I pray that God may raise young UBF leaders through the European YLC who can change this world.

In Christ,
Dr. Peter Chang
