50th Anniversary Journey Report, Jakarta

  • by WMD
  • Jul 21, 2011
  • 895 reads

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light” (1 Peter 2:9).

By God’s grace, we attended the 50th anniversary and World Mission Report in Seoul, Korea and it was a wonderful and memorable journey for all of us. We prepared for the trip with daily prayer meetings and learning simple Korean greetings. The total number who attended from Jakarta was 18, including 14 Indonesians. My daughter Dream, who is in the US, arrived earlier and came to the airport with S to welcome us. S (Nursing 2), who is one of our growing students, has been working in Korea on a 3-month contract with a company. She studied 1:1 for 2 years in Jakarta. She accepted Jesus right before the 50th anniversary while she was participating in preparations for it. Altogether we read her heart moving testimony about her decision of faith and gave thanks to God with tears. May God bless her faith and use her preciously for his redemptive purpose.

When we arrived at the airport in Korea, Kyungheemoon UBF also welcomed us with a big welcome banner.  We prepared Korean and Indonesian hymns and sang them at the Kyungheemoon welcome party. They took care of our daily schedule in Korea, taking us on center tours and campus visits. We visited several chapters such as Jongro (Korea UBF headquarters), Namsan, Anam, and Gwangju UBF. Our growing leaders learned the history of UBF and the beautiful and sacrificial life of faith of many servants through the journey. One of our sisters attended just for one day and had to go back to Jakarta due to her final exams, but she was so joyful and thankful. Thank God for the many co-workers in Kyungheemoon UBF and for their beautiful heart to serve us sacrificially.

We thank God for blessing our mission journey abundantly. We pray for the work of God on 7 campuses and the discipleship ministry in Jakarta. May God also bless our upcoming Summer Bible Conference on August 13-16.       

Peter K.
