UBC (University of British Columbia) Pioneering News, Vancouver, Canada

  • by WMD
  • Jul 23, 2011
  • 928 reads

UBC is a world famous university in Vancouver, on the northwestern Pacific shore with many beautiful forests and beaches. Students are from very diverse ethnic and cultural groups. So, if we raise many disciples here, this campus can surely be used as a missionary-sending school.

We have been pioneering this campus since June, 2010. God showed us a good sign when we were on the airplane to Vancouver, by having a UBC student sit next to us. And, by God’s curious Providence, we came to make friends with a UBC professor (Kurt A. Grimm) and study Bible with him. He is a very spiritual and devoted Christian. He has a broken heart for the godless campus and city. He attended the first Northwestern Regional Summer Bible Conference (7/8-10, 2011) with his two children Ollie and Eli. On the last day, he said, “Two more days!”

From the first week here, we made it a rule to have two prayer meetings on campus a week and evangelize. Even though that time was summer vacation season, we tried to keep our rule. After almost two months, God blessed us with good students. God sent Trevor, Karine and Stacey. They are good students and regularly studied the Bible with us, correcting our wrong English pronunciations.

The first Northwest Regional Summer Bible Conference reenergized us as God’s servants. We confess that in the last two or three months, we couldn’t have our regular prayer and evangelism time on campus, struggling for self-support. But we will start again!

Our prayer topics are:

1) To raise 12 disciples at UBC to feed Canada and the world
2) Missionary John Kim’s English Message
3) For prof. Kurt, Trevor, Karine, Stacey
4) Overcome self-support problem and rekindle campus pioneering spirit for Missionary John Kim to have a permanent job at UBC for self-support and mission
5) Second generation missionary John Kim Jr. to grow as a man of faith and devotion
