St. Louis Summer Bible Academy Report

  • by WMD
  • Jul 23, 2011
  • 659 reads

According to Luke 12:32, we know how much it pleases Jesus to give his kingdom to his people. The St. Louis UBF co-workers deeply experienced Jesus’ kingdom through the Bible Academy held at the Bible house from July 14-16 titled, “Your Kingdom Come.” Jesus gave his kingdom to a paralytic through the forgiveness of sin, and the tax collector Levi followed Jesus because he saw the kingdom of God in Jesus (Mk 2:1-17). Jesus patiently taught Nicodemus until he learned the way to the kingdom of God through being born again (Jn 3:1-21) A thirsty Samaritan woman tasted the kingdom of God through the living water welling up to eternal life. (Jn 4:1-26).  Whoever met Christ Jesus tasted the kingdom of God.

For this Bible Academy, God provided many kingdom workers: 3 group Bible study leaders: M. Isaiah, Ben, Priscilla; 3 five-minute messengers: M. Luke, M. James, M. Abraham; and 10 testimony sharer. God also sent 17 Bible students to this heavenly feast. Even though it was a 3-hour (6:00-9:00 pm)  intensive Bible school each day, all the attendees forgot about going back home because of the joy and grace of the kingdom of God. We thank God who raised Ben and Priscilla as group Bible study leaders and helped all the missionaries to participate as messengers, testimony sharers, and environment makers. During the Bible Academy, the heat wave attacked St. Louis. However, Jesus planted the seeds of his kingdom in the hearts of all the attendees. We pray that the kingdom of God may grow in their hearts until it expands and covers over all the campuses in St. Louis and the Midwest.
