M nation news (Middle East)

  • by WMD
  • Jul 25, 2011
  • 763 reads

Last week, R delivered a message. During the preparation of the message, he humbly accepted message training and delivered it wonderfully. Soon he will visit L during his summer vacation and we are p-ying for him to be a good influence to his family and friends.   

We thank G for M, who is shepherding R.H. We also pray every day for H with whom we shared the good news last week. She accepted Him with tears. May the good news grow in her soul continually.

Another sister Y accepted J as her life through J 3:16. My wife has been keeping in touch with her daily and p-ying for her growth.

The R and J family are very faithful to studying the words. R is going to deliver her baby in August. We ask G’s mercy on her delivery and that they may grow as faithful co-workers with us. Brother J has been asking for G’s mercy so that he may be able to attend a SBC in K and obtain a proper arrival ticket to come back home. May he deeply meet J through the SBC.   

Mr. Y moved to a new house two weeks ago and we were honored as the first guests of the new house. We had gracious fellowship with them and we were moved by their sincere love for G.

My wife and I traveled to A due to a business trip for 4 days. While we were in A, we visited D to meet sister E. We had GBS together and my wife and I were greatly encouraged by her sacrificial life. She is working in a hospital while pregnant and taking care of her children and serving others.   

May K come back to Q in His time. Right now he is in middle of the visa process. By G’s grace, his wife got pregnant after many years of being childless. I thank G who gave him and his wife victory.  

Thanks for your support,