2011 Yonhee Center Summer Bible Conf. Report, Korea

  • by WMD
  • Aug 01, 2011
  • 1055 reads

Jesus Came To Seek and To Save What Was Lost

“For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.” (Luke 19:10)

The Yonhee center Summer Bible conference was held at the Sung-san conference place at Kang hwa Island July 16-19. The title of the conference was, “Jesus Came To Seek And To Save What Was Lost.” Altogether 264 attended the conference including 241 from Yonhee center, 6 from America, 2 from Canada, 1 from Czech republic, and 12 from Hong Kong.

We gathered together at 6 p.m. every evening for 4 weeks to pray together and listen to graceful testimonies of our coworkers. God helped our coworkers to dedicate themselves to early morning prayer, campus outreach meetings at noon, and 24 hour prayer relays. Whenever we prayed, we prayed, “Lord, send us 100 young men from our campuses,” and God blessed our earnest prayer in one spirit through our summer ministry and sent many students. Fifty-three students from campuses in the Shin-chon area attended the summer Bible conference and heard the word of gospel.

The opening message was, “Zaccheus, Come Down,” based on Luke 19 delivered by sh. Chang-hwan Kim. The message testified to the love and grace of Jesus who knew Zaccheus’ name and wanted to stay with him to meet him personally. Attendants opened their hearts wide through the opening message. Sh. Daniel Shin delivered the first main message full of life about, “Jesus Who Came To Call Sinners,” based on Mark 5. We learned and accepted the love and hope of Jesus who called Levi, the tax collector, as his own disciple. Sh. James Won delivered the second main message, “He Ran And Threw His Arms Around Him,”  based on Luke 15. Among all the main messages, God blessed the message of Luke 15 and worked greatly through it. Not only those who came for the first time, but also leaders who found themselves in wild living in a distant country far from the heart of God repented. Sh. Gi-bum Bang delivered a heart-moving message from Luke 23, “Father, Forgive Them.” The fourth main message was, “Make Disciples Of All Nations,” based on Matthew 28 delivered by sh. Sung-yong Lim. The Risen Lord who has all authority in heaven and on earth gave us clear direction to make disciples of all nations. This message was full of life and the resurrection, scattering away fear, darkness, despair, fatalism and the sense of failure that comes from the power of death. For the morning devotions, msn. Paul Ho delivered the message, “You Will Catch Men,” based on Luke 5; sh. Sung-joon Jang delivered the message, “Seek First His Kingdom,” based on Matthew 6; and sh. Dae-yeon Lee delivered the message, “Do You Love Me?” based on John 21. We especially learned of Jesus’ everlasting and burning love for us from the message from John 21. We confessed our love for Jesus and made a decision to feed Jesus’ sheep. For evening messages, sh. Yong-soon Lim delivered the message, “What is your name?” based on Mark 5. We learned of Jesus’ broken shepherd heart for one demon-possessed young man. Sh. Joseph Kim delivered the message, “The Christ Of God,” based on Luke 9. This message helped us to confess Jesus as our Christ once again and to make a decision to follow Jesus by denying ourselves and taking up our crosses. There was a great work of the Holy Spirit among the attendants who made a decision to cut off their remaining desires for the world and follow Jesus alone. In the evening of the third day, there was Chinese dancing and contemporary Christian dancing and a heart-moving drama which was the highlight of the conference.

Twelve student shepherds who had been receiving shepherd training so far served the conference as presiders and shared heart-moving life testimonies revealing the forgiveness and saving grace of Jesus. This conference was full of grace and the heart-moving word of God. Not only the young sheep but also the leaders received much grace and repented and restored their mission spirit.

We came back to our mission field keeping the grace of God that we received at the Bible conference. We pray that we may believe and depend on the Risen Lord who has all authority in heaven and on earth so that we may conquer the power of sin and death over the campuses and save campus students and raise up disciples powerfully. May we take care of God’s sheep who received grace from the conference during this summer and throughout the fall semester and raise them up with divine training so that we may serve the campus pioneering ministry with power.

Yonhee Center Prayer Topics

1.      The work of God through Luke's gospel during this summer

2.      300 Sunday worship service attendants and 600 one to one Bible studies

3.      To raise up disciples by serving summer ministry chapter by chapter after the summer Bible conference

4.      To make a Holy vessel chapter by chapter and to serve campus pioneering ministry

Written by Sh. Seung-woon Lee
