A beautiful wedding between Spencer and Sarah Luebben, Minneapolis

  • by WMD
  • Aug 03, 2011
  • 1450 reads

The family of Spencer and Sarah Luebben was established on July 30, 2011 in a ceremony held at the Alumni Hall on the University of Minnesota campus in Minneapolis. About 100 people attended, including many of Spencer’s family members and friends, and UBF coworkers from Minneapolis, St. Paul, Eau Claire, St. Louis, and Chicago.

Spencer is the precious only son of Christian parents, Richard and Dianne Luebben. He began Bible study in Minneapolis UBF as a freshman through the ministry of M. Dana Brinkerhoff. He is the first disciple of Jesus to be raised in the U.M. ministry. He is now in a Ph.D. program in genetic engineering which is related to research in finding a cure for cancer.

Sarah is the oldest daughter of Pastor Abraham and Sarah Kim. They have pioneered Minneapolis UBF for the last 5 years before God called Pastor Abraham to be the next General Director of UBF ministry. Sarah graduated from dental school at U. Minnesota in Minneapolis and is now practicing dentistry while also teaching the Bible to about six U.M. students per week.

Pastor Ron Ward officiated and blessed the new family with the word of Ephesians 2:10 in a message titled, “Spencer and Sarah are God’s Handiwork.” Some of the UBF USA Elders: Dr. James Kim, Daniel Yang, and Dr. Alan Wolff, along with Shepherd Chuck Voght of Minneapolis blessed the new family with prayer. Dr. Abraham and Sarah Nahm sang a vocal duet, and Mary Park, Jacob Park Jr. and Moses Park offered an instrumental trio.

Through this new family we could see God’s hope and vision for America and the world. God has raised both Spencer and Sarah as his servants and called them as shepherds and disciple-makers for American campus ministry. They have committed themselves to God’s good purpose for them. They love and respect one another and they love and respect God who made them and saved them. May God use them to raise disciples of Jesus Christ
