2011 Korea UBF JBF Summer Bible Conference Report

  • by WMD
  • Aug 11, 2011
  • 951 reads

Key verse Luke 23:34, “Jesus said, ‘Father for give them for they do not know what they are doing.’”

August 5-7, Korea UBF held a national JBF Summer Bible conference with the theme, “Are You Listening To The Voice Of Jesus For You?" at Osung Youth Training Center in Daechun, Korea. Two hundred and five JBF members participated in the conference. They were from Chongro (34), Yonhee (29), Kyoungsung (18), Gwanak (15), Hanyang (8), Chungreung (7), Inchun (4), Daejeon (5), Chunan (7), Anyang (2) Chunju (2), and Gwangju (51).

There M. James, Esther Kim, James Kim Jr., M. Joseph Kim’s family, and Wesley Song (all from Germany); Joy Joo (Sweden), Love Yang, (Austria), Samuel Kim and Elijah Kim (Russia), Noah You (Libya); and few second gen missionaries attended the conference. Additionally, the Korean national director, Sh. David Kim along with his wife Sh. Sarah Kim, came to visit and encouraged all the attendees.    

The first main lecture, entitled, “Jesus Who Came To Save What Was Lost” from Luke 19:1-10, was delivered by Kim Kyoungjae (Hanyang UBF). The second main lecture, entitled, “Father Forgive Them” based on Luke 23:26-56, was given by Chun Kihyun (Yonhee). The third main lecture, entitled, “From Now On You Will Fish For People” from Luke 5:1-11, was delivered by You Hyunduk (Gwanak 3). And the fourth main lecture, entitled, “You Are Witnesses Of These Things” on Luke 24:36-53, was given by Yeum Joonsop (Chongro2). Through these four lectures all the attendees could listen to the voice of Jesus and accept his wonderful forgiveness and calling as his witnesses.

There were 10 high school life testimony sharers who names are John Yoon (Chongro), Sarah Choi (Hanyang), Kim Yechan (Yonhee), Sarah Kim (Gwanak), Lee Sehan (Kyoungsung), John Nah (Hanyang), Yoon Peace (Gwangju), Peter Kim (Chungreung), Esther You (Yonhee), and James Lee (Kyoungsung). They are all high school junior team members. They shared their beautiful life testimonies with the title, “The Love Letter Of My Life,” revealing God’s grace who led them thus far full of thanks giving.

Through writing testimonies they could see their lives from God’s point of view since they had to bear all kind of difficulties as children of UBF shepherds in their teen years. They also renewed their clear identities as second gen shepherds and made a decision to succeed and develop the faith of their parents.

The main lecture testimony was by Rebecca Kim Jr. (Russia). And there were also eight representative testimonies sharers. They were Elijah Park (Gwangju), John Nam (Gwangju), Joseph Kim (Yonhee), Sarah Kim (Hanyang), Ha Yeyoung (Inchun), Lim Jihae (Ansung), Samuel Shin (Gwanak), and Samuel Koh (Gwangju). Though they all were still weak and young they shared their sincere testimonies before God revealing the wonderful love of Jesus who shed his precious blood in their place.

There was also a mission presentation. Chunan UBF and the Yonhee, Kyoungsung, Gwanak, Chongro, Hanyang, and Gwangju centers presented the work of each ministry and the work of the Holy Spirit among second gens and about their future world mission vision. They all made a decision to be major participants in UBF who will raise and send 100,000 missionaries to 233 nations by 2041.

They also had a talent contest prepared by each center. The Chongro ceter presented CCD and pantomime which pointed out human sinfulness and expressed well how the Word of God can prevail over human sinfulness. The Yonhee, Kyoungsung, Chungreung centers presented an exciting youthful CCD and video and received a round of applause. The Gwanju center presented a musical entitled, “Jesus Who Came To Save What Was Lost,” which was made of 20 JBF members. It was fun and featured a delightful musical. Over the years the talent contest has been developing a lot. It also helped each of them to identify and develop the gifts and talents given to them by God and to reveal God’s glory through it.

The last night was called “Praise And Prayer Night.” It was time for each of them to cast out the power of sin in the name of Jesus, the sin which oppressed and entangled them amid their busy school schedule. They were joyfully dancing and praising God as King David danced before God with his whole heart. In addition, they confessed their sin with broken and contrite hearts before God, and participated in intercessory prayer for family, church, society, and the whole world asking for the coming of God’s kingdom on earth.

In conclusion, when we sum up this conference, first, we could listen to the voice of Jesus for this generation. All the attendees accepted the voice of Jesus, who came to save what was lost, by repenting of their sins, that they were only tied up in their own problems in their school studies like selfish Zacchaeus, and they decided to have great vision for this generation as shepherds and missionaries.

Second, we could see the world mission vision for the next 50 years through this JBF conference, and that they will carry out this great mission as second gen shepherds and missionaries.

Third, we became one in heart, co-working together through the conference. The Hanyang center was in charge of the first main lecture, Yonhee for the second, Gwanak 3 for the third, and Chongro for the fourth. All together we served the word of God, the praise music, the prayer servants, those who presided, and the duo dramas. And the Gwangju center organized the whole program by making good harmony between all the different centers.

Moses Kim
