Perm UBF Pioneering News, Russia

  • by WMD
  • Aug 13, 2011
  • 1003 reads

Our struggles in settling down in this new area have been proceeding successfully.  Especially, all the documentation and paper work for settlement have been finalized well by the grace of the Lord, although I had to go back and forth from Perm to Yekaterinburg many times in order to sell my house and take care of a lot of paper work. Now our main prayer topic is to purchase a new house in Perm. I pray that God may provide us the most suitable house for a house church ministry. Every morning I have a Daily Bread prayer meeting with my wife and two sons (15 and 14 years old) in order to prepare a spiritual environment and get ready for the new pioneering work.

Andre, our first son, had difficulties adjusting to a new area and even went through a little shock. In particular, he had a hard time because he left all his friends behind. However, he overcame all these difficulties and is now adjusting well in this new environment. My wife M. G. is adjusting well in this new place through lecturing at a community college here and studying the Korean language hard by faith. As for me, I am training myself to finish writing the Sunday message earlier so that I can practice before delivering the message. That is my prayer topic, but it is always hard for me. So I keep trying and praying.

Starting about a month ago, I got into a vocational training center which has a job training program with payment. There I am studying forklift driving and forklift battery service. Currently, I have been placed in a local company to practice, but for my long term plan I am thinking about running my own private business.

In the beginning when I came to Russia, I tried to pour everything into my mission life, but now it seems I figured out the right way as a self-supporting missionary.Although there is no short cut in the mission strategy, I pray that I can learn well how to have a successful self-supporting missionary life. I have a spiritual desire to raise many successful evangelists and gospel workers. Please pray for and support my café ministry for fishing.

By M. P.K.