Andrew and Arlene's wedding in Philippians

  • by WMD
  • Aug 20, 2011
  • 1189 reads


Through him and for his name's sake - Romans 1:5

Our God is the best matchmaker. Praise and thank God for his providence and sovereignty over his chosen people. Three years ago, Andrew J. came back from a long spiritual vacation of 10 years. He was like the prodigal son in Luke 15. Yet our heavenly Father has been more than gracious to him. During those three years, God restored to him the joy of salvation, zeal and passion for lost souls, strong health, and vision for world mission.

Last year, at the Peoria Summer Conference in the US where Dr. William A. shared his report on the Philippines' ministry. Andrew was so moved by the work of God in the Philippines, as well as in Mongolia. He dedicated himself to be a missionary anywhere God would send him. From then on, through M. Maria A., he was introduced to Arlene M. of the Philippines. She is a fruitful leader at the University of Philippines in Manila. She is working as a pharmacist and working on her Master's degree at the same time. Since meeting Jesus though one-to-one Bible study with Sara A., Arlene has been dedicating her life as a shepherd and Bible teacher. Many others have been growing through her ministry in UP Manila, the top school in the country.

For a year, Andrew and Arlene prayed and studied the Bible together through Skype. They together made a decision to establish a family for God's purpose. So Andrew went to the Philippines on August 1 and met Arlene in person for the first time. He proposed to her on August 3 and they got married on August 6. Andrew and Arlene chose Romans 1:5 as their marriage key verse. They know that it was only by God's grace that they are saved, only by God's grace that they are married, and only by God's grace that they can establish a family for his name's sake.

In the past, Andrew was known as Derek (DJ), but he was transformed to Andrew, a man of God.  Likewise, without Jesus, Arlene Miranda could have been a dangerous woman like Imelda Marcos. But in Jesus, she was changed into a powerful shepherd for the lost. Now God joined them to be one in Christ. Andrew + Arlene = Andrew Arlene Jesus. May God bless them and use them as a Jesus-centered and mission oriented house church in the Philippines and in the US and to the ends of the earth. 

One Word: Through him and for his name's sake
