Report on Mozambique Outreach, South Africa

  • by WMD
  • Aug 21, 2011
  • 2065 reads

On the 30th July we visited Maputo the capital city of Mozambique to see and meet some students of the Eduardo University. The university was established in 1962 as main university in the country. Eduardo is the name of a prominent freedom fighter who was against the colony of Portugal.

Shep. Abia, Stephens and Theophilus, and Missionary James Lee were the members of the outreach team. It is about 520 km from Pretoria UBF church to the Maputo city, Mozambique. When we arrived there it was about 2.00 pm on Saturday. Then we visited the university campus and started to meet some students to invite for Bible study.

Students were spread largely in the campus for surfing internet with notebook computer wherever there is power point on the building wall. The university provided in entire campus for its students Wifi facility for free use.

About 9.00 am on Sunday, we invited whom we had contacted previous day to the group Bible study. We found that many were engaged with Catholic church and they were on the way to their churches in the morning. They seemed to have been strongly influenced by Portuguese atmosphere which has Catholic majority.

About 10.30 am we could start Bible study with five students on John 6:1-71. In the text Jesus first gave them bread and fish in the green field but later he urged them to have Jesus himself in life as their food eating his body and drinking his blood. While we were studying there was language barrier because their first language was Portuguese. But they gave their attention in hearing the word.

We are praying to go back to them to study Bible again, and pray that God may raise one Bible teacher in the campus. May God raise Bible teacher in Mozambique who can communicate with Portuguese in the near future.

17 August 2011

James Lee (Pretoria UBF)
