5th Balkan Annual Conference and 20th Anniversary of Greece UBF

  • by WMD
  • Aug 24, 2011
  • 1239 reads

From August 12-14, the 5th Balkan Vision Summer Bible Conference and 20th Anniversary of Greece UBF were held at the Hellenic Scripture Union in Athens. The title of this historic conference was "If you believe, you will see the glory of God!" (John 11:40). We studied John’s Gospel four main lectures, 2 morning devotion messages and opening & closing messages. The opening message was delivered by Msn. Paul Lee from Greece with the title, “Come and you will see”(John 1:35-42). The first main lecture was delivered by Shepherd Stamatis Savvanis from Greece with the title, "Jesus, the Light of the world" (John 9:1-41); the second, "If you believe, you will see the glory of God" (John 11:1-44) by Msn James Point from Turkey; the third, "It is finished!"(John 19:16b-42) by Shepherd Xenofon Grigoriadis from Bonn UBF; and the fourth, "Do you love me? Feed my sheep."(John 21:1-25) by Shepherd Georgi Kumanichliev from Bulgaria. One of the key verse morning messages was delivered by Msn Caleb Yun from Serbia with the title, “I have overcome the world”(John 16:33) and by Msn Barnabas Kang from Macedonia with the title, “Jesus will come again with glory”(Mark 13:36). The closing message was given by Dr. Peter Chang from Bonn with the title, “Young men will see visions!”(Acts 2:17).

During the Balkan conference, we memorized the key verses through responsive greetings. People greeted by saying, “If you believe,” and they responded by saying, “You will see the glory of God.”. “Come,”- “and you will see!” “God is good”- “All the time.” “Take heart” – “I have overcome the world.” “Jesus will come”-“with power and glory”. “Jesus’ cross”-“is my victory”. “Do you love me?”-“Feed my sheep”. Through this way, some Bible key verses remained deeply in the heart of all attendants. Also we held a 20th Anniversary of Greece UBF Worship Service & Ceremony with the message of honored pastor Phaedon Cambouropoulos, a music program and a Greek Traditional Dance. Also the Balkan Festival was held with graceful, thankful and artful music, drama and worship dance. During the conference we shared the congratulation letter from the new general director Abraham T. Kim based on the Isaiah 60:1,  "Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you."

After the conference we visited Corinth to learn the pioneering spirit of Saint Paul. Then, we had an unforgettable Beach party at Cenchrea. After conference Korean Vision team and Romania Missionaries followed the steps of the Second Journey of Saint Paul. The total number of attendants is 77 from 11 countries. We appreciated for all the attendants especially Dr. Peter Chang, staff shepherd Elijah Moon, staff shepherdess Helen Kim and Paul Na from Korea UBF. We all the missionaries of Greece and Balkan countries appreciated for your prayer and support by practical love. We are praying that 167 Balkan campuses will be pioneered by the Gospel starting with 50 1:1 ministries.  

In Christ's Love,
Paul Lee
