2011 Kyoungsung Center Summer Bible Conference Report, Korea

  • by WMD
  • Aug 26, 2011
  • 853 reads


August 12-15, Kyoungsung I, II, and III; and Songdo UBF held a joint summer Bible conference with the theme, “Father, Forgive Them,” at the youth training center in Daechun, Korea. God blessed this conference with his powerful word and 194 attendees, including 70 new Bible students, since we were preparing the conference focusing on the students.

On the first day, the main lecture (John 3) was given by Sh. Won Kyuyon (pathology specialist), and then eight brothers and sisters, including Kim Yongjoon, shared their sincere testimonies. After that we had a praise and music concert night.

On the second day in the morning, the main lecture was titled, “Jesus Who Came To Call Sinners,” from Luke 5 and was delivered by Isaac Park (office worker). In the evening, the main lecture (John 4) was given by Sh. Lee Dongwon (dentist). After that we had a Bible quiz entitled, “Bible Golden Bell.” It was our first quiz during the conference. Only the students and new comers were eligible to participate. It was an easy quiz, and fun for the 30 students who participated so that all the attendees were excited and enjoyed it. The winner was Ha Yangseung (oriental medicine).

On the third morning, the main lecture (Luke 19) was given by Sh. Kim Taeyoung (course of internal medicine), and we all had time to write and share sincere testimonies. In the evening, the main lecture (Mark 13) was delivered by Sh. Lee Dongwook (judge) who is going to Germany as a short term missionary. We also had a representative testimony sharer and a united prayer meeting for world mission according to Mark 13, “And the gospel must first be preached to all nations.” After that we had a worship dance and drama until midnight. The drama was made by the Kyoungsung center theater creators. It was heart moving, revealing God’s unchanging father’s love for the prodigal son according to Luke 15, so that many brothers and sisters were in tears watching.

The fourth morning’s lecture was titled, “The Christ of God,” from Luke 9, and it was given by Sh. Moon Daebum (major: pathology).

All the messengers were young but they were so powerful and graceful because they poured out their whole hearts into preparing the messages, having united prayer meetings every day  and rehearsing 30 times.

We praise God for blessing this conference with his wonderful word and with the new brothers and sisters who made a decision to live by faith even though they were new comers.

We pray that God may raise the new brothers and sisters as good disciples of Jesus through our Saturday testimony sharing meeting during this fall semester.

Zechariah Lee
