2011 Moscow Summer Leaders' Bible Conference Report

  • by WMD
  • Aug 28, 2011
  • 984 reads

Spiritual Revival

Nehemiah 2:17b: “Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, and we will no longer be in   disgrace.”

Thank God that by his grace we had the Summer Leaders' Bible Conference from August 12-14 at Ershevo, Moscow suburban retreats. A total of 80 people attended, including 3 from Podil, 1 from Nizhny-Novgorod, and 19 children. With great spiritual desire to rebuild our fallen spiritual order, we decided to study the book of Nehemiah. Through this conference, God raised 4 messengers and 7 testimony speakers.

On Aug. 12, the opening message was delivered by M. Barnabas K. based on John 21 (Do you love me?). After that, Anna S. Jr., who will enter Art College (Graphic Design major) this fall, shared her testimony in which she made a decision and prayed to live as a shepherd for God's flock who testifies to Jesus.

On Aug. 13, the morning of the second day, we had group Bible study based on Nehemiah 1-3. The first main message, “Let’s rebuild the wall of Jerusalem,” was delivered by Alexey B. We learned that spiritual revival starts from one man of God and from his repentant prayer, shepherd's heart, and spiritual responsibility. Alexey made a new decision to pioneer a new fellowship, “Antioch,” with the direction of focusing on discipleship ministry. After the message, M. David P. shared his testimony on how important it is for us to study the Bible deeply and hold firmly to the word of God. Then Alexey R. delivered the second main message, “A spiritual leader: Nehemiah, who overcame obstacles,” based on Nehemiah 2-4 in the evening on that same day. Through his message, we could hear God’s calling for each one of us to be a spiritual leader like Nehemiah. Also, we learned that we must form a spiritual vessel through prayer, obedience to the word of God, and the love of God in order to have spiritual revival. Then Lena (Podil), Konstya (Law School, Moscow), Alexey M., and Madlene R. shared their testimonies respectively. 

On Aug. 14, the third day, Konstantin K. delivered the third main message, “Spiritual Revival,” based on Nehemiah 8-13. We learned that we have to repent from our hearts according to the words of God through the Holy Spirit so that the confession of our faith before God and true worshiping of God can be restored. Then M. Sarah Song testified through her testimony of how God cured her of cancer and showed her his saving grace and love during her five years of struggling with cancer. 

Please pray for the following:

1.   The study of Matthew's gospel from the fall semester,
2.   5 messengers: M. Stephen K., Konstantin K., Alexey B., Pavel J., Alexey R.,
3.   New Bible students and student disciples of Jesus,
4.   The raising of sacrificial and responsible Russian leaders.

Reported by M. Stephen
