2011 Gang-Reung Summer Bible Conference Report, Korea

  • by WMD
  • Aug 30, 2011
  • 925 reads

We held the 2011 Summer Conference at Horeb conference site from July 29th to 31st with 39 attendants. The title of the conference was "Father, forgive them."

On the first day, Sh. Joshua Kang delivered the opening message titled "One thing, the young should remember."(Ecc. 12) He taught that Solomon encouraged the young to remember the Creator foremost and we also should accept his message. After the message, we had a "Restful World cup." We played "Tug of war", "Throw the shoe", "Bouncing soccer", "Carrying the cup with water" and etc. It was very joyful and restful. We worried whether or not we could have the world cup because it had been raining, but it became sunny on the day of the conference. All attendants had fun and enjoyed the conference.

After a pork-belly party, we watched a UCC movie, which was made to advertise the conference by Shs. Esther Lee. Sh. Chung-Jong Kim and several sheep acted well as a preparation for the conference. Later, brother Young-Tae Kim and Professor Soo-Il Park shared their life testimonies. The title of Professor Park's testimony was "God who gives the best." He grew up in a non-Christian family.  He was not interested in church, but was influenced by many Christian friends. He was invited to church while studying in the U.S.A and grew in his faith. God gave him a desire to marry to a Christian woman and establish a Christian family. Through this, he became a influential professor to his 150 fellow students by faith.  He confessed that he wanted to share the grace of God he had received for the last 40 years. He made a power point presentation to show from his childhood until now. It was a dynamic testimony and all people were moved by it.

On the second day after breakfast, we had a group Bible study on the first main lecture. After the bible study, there was "speech symposium." Shs. Hannah Hong and Shs. Mi-So Kang who are well known as good speakers gave a practical and interesting symposium based on their experiences. Shs. Hannah gave a symposium titled "Heal the wounds of words." In the end of her symposium, she gave thanks to each of the coworkers and practiced what she learned. The title of Shs. Mi-So's was "Wise wife, careful words." She shared how she learned to speak with compassion as a teacher of a day care center and through her marriage life. Shs. Eun-Kyung opened and closed the symposium emphasizing the importance of words. She taught that the origin of words is God and taught how much God cares about how we speak with many Bible verses. She encouraged us to speak thankful, faithful, hopeful and fruitful words.

After eating delicious cold-noodles and steamed Mandoo, we had a gospel song competition. Sh. Joshua Kang who was funny and comedic, led the competition and 10 teams competed. Shs. Esther Lee received a "Full of Joy" reward, Shs. Lydia Lee and her sheep Eun-Hye Lee received a "Full  of passion" reward and Sh. Soo-Il Park and his wife, Shs. Sun-Kyung received a "Full of love" reward. We also walked along the stream and had a treasure-hunt. It was raining from the morning, but it stopped right before our walk. We praised the Lord who rules over the weather.

After dinner, the first main lecture was based on Jesus' crucifixion. We watched the movie, "Passion of the Christ" for 5 minutes first, and listened to the message delivered by Sh. Paul Hong titled "Father, forgive them." Sh. Paul Hong had been struggling with a family issue and couldn't forgive his family. Through his message, he found his sin and sincerely repented of it with tears. All listeners were moved by his message and repented of their sins. Sh. Chul-Young also shared his testimony with tears. After listening to the message, shepherds and sheep wrote testimony with tears of repentance. They came to God honestly during our prayer vigil.

On the last day, we had a group bible study and listened to the message "The gospel will be preached to the end of the world" (Mk 24) delivered by Sh. Isaac Choi. We learned about signs of the end and Jesus' second coming.

For the last program of the conference, we went to Nah-Hang Port to have a beach festival. We played beach soccer, swam and ate delicious beach ramen. We had a lot of fun and a joyful time.

We thank God who blessed the conference with the Holy Spirit and newly raised us as gospel workers before Him.

Prayer Topics:

1. 70 SWS attendants, Luke Gospel Bible study / Sunday message
2. To raise 25 people in each team
3. To be devoted to Early morning prayer & All-night prayer.
