Korea UBF laymen's wives and sisters seminar

  • by WMD
  • Sep 07, 2011
  • 761 reads

Korea UBF Laymen’s Wives and Sisters Seminar for Korea UBF's 50th anniversary (Seoul, Kyoungki, and Inchun Region) Report

On Aug. 31, 2011, Korea UBF's laymen's wives and sisters from the Seoul, Kyoungki, and Inchun region held a seminar with the theme, "UBF Spirit, Ministry, and Vision" for Korea UBF's 50th anniversary at the late Samuel Lee Hall in Chongro UBF, the headquarters of Korea UBF. We thank God for blessing this seminar to be full of the grace of Jesus and for 267 wives and sisters who willingly filled the hall and the Chongro UBF basement where more than 30 people watched the seminar by video.

11:00 am - 1:00 pm:

1. Introduction: (1) Spirit, ministry, vision, (2) A Bible-centered spirit by Elijah A.

2. Raising disciples from among college students: (1) The spirit of raising disciples from among college students, (2) Raising disciples, (3) One-to-one Bible study by Nehemiah K., (4) Daily Bread, (5) The religious meaning of writing testimonies by Moses N.

2:00 - 3:00 pm:

3. World mission and a self-supporting ministry: (1) The spirit of a self-supporting ministry, (2) The work of UBF's professional self-supporting ministry by Changwon K.

4. The spirit of partnership: (1) A giving spirit, (2) A manger spirit, (3) The spirit of partnership by Timothy K.

5. The pioneering and independent spirit: (1) A pioneering spirit, (2) An independent spirit by Caleb K.

3:00 - 4:00 pm:

Korea UBF's General Director David K. gave a message with the title, "Terrible Times and the Scripture," from 2 Timothy 3:14-17. Through the message, David K. testified that it was only the work of God's word which was God-breathed since God initiated the UBF ministry 50 years ago and pioneered 91 nations thus far, beginning with Korea. He also said that only the word of God is the hope of salvation for campus souls in this generation and the hope of expanding his kingdom in these terrible times.

All the seminar speakers presented with confident faith that God had done all these great things in the UBF ministry for the past 50 years based on the word of God.  

Through this, all the wives and sisters renewed their desire to love and depend on the word of God with their whole hearts. One of the seminar speakers who was moved by all the attendees’ desire for Jesus, encouraged them saying "You are all beautiful flowers of the UBF campus ministry." All the wives and sisters were greatly encouraged by this since they've always been serving God's ministry behind the scenes. They were all happy and renewed God's calling, remembering how precious they are before God when they believe and obey the word of God. They also renewed their clear identity as beautiful flowers of the UBF campus ministry as God's chosen servants.

After finishing the seminar, most of them earnestly requested the re-training on a regular basis for them because it was a good opportunity for them to be revived spiritually through the word of God by UBF staff leaders. It also was a good chance for them to learn to have good fellowship with co-workers from other chapters through the seminar.     

May God continue to bless each of them to be used by him as spiritual mothers for his flocks at the campuses in this generation through continuing their education on a regular basis.

Sarah K.
