2011 Namsan UBF Summer Bible Conference Report, Korea

  • by WMD
  • Sep 10, 2011
  • 1075 reads

Namsan center held a summer Bible conference from August 12-15, 2011. The title of the conference was "The story of the lost son." 172 people including 21 new sheep attended the conference.

1) Who am I and Who is Jesus?

The first main message was delivered by Missionary Joshua Bae from Mexico. The title was "The story of the lost son" based on Luke 15:11-32. We learned our Father God's unconditional and unchangeable love for sinners through his message. Missionary Joshua testified that the secret of studying at medical school at age 40, delivering Sunday message every week and working as a lay missionary is to trust and depend on God.

Sh. Dong-Gyu Park, Jong-Bo Kim, Jae-Woong Kim delivered the second main message based on Luke 5:12-39. The title was "Who am I?" Jesus who healed the leper, the paralytic, and tax collector was revealed through the three, creative messengers. Through this message, we examined what kind of sinners we are. 

The third main message was delivered by Missionary Andrew Kim from Sudan. The title was "Who is Jesus" based on Luke 9:18-27. He emphasized that we can receive salvation and be changed as we confess "Jesus is the Christ of God" like Peter. He also taught based on his own personal experience, what attitude we should have as a disciple and what blessings are given when we follow Jesus.

Missionary Ezra Lee who received a Ph.D in English in Canada and became a professor in Dong-Kuk University, delivered the fourth main message. The tile was "Remain in me" based on John 15:1-8. He taught that we have to know who we are and who Jesus is to live a fruitful life. His message was based on his experience and powerfully worked in our hearts.

In the morning, Shs. Jung-Mi Lee (Mt. 11:28-30), Mi-Joo Song (Lk. 19:1-10) gave messages about "True rest". Lay shepherds gave messages about "True competitive power."

In the evening of the first day, Sh. William Yoo delivered a message titled, "The competitive power of five loaves and two fish" based on John 6:1-15. Through his testimonial message, we were convicted that we can win the victory by faith with five loaves and two fish in this competitive world.

In the evening of the second day, Sh. Augustine Choi gave a message titled, "Father, forgive them," based on Luke 23:1-56. In his message, he testified that he was able to love himself after being freed from his inferiority complex and was able to forgive others. In this way, he could have a competitive power.  

There was a message titled, "Get up and walk," based on John 5:1-9 on the third day in the evening. The messenger taught that Bethesda was a competitive society of the sick similar with current society. He also said that the man who had been sick for 38 years obeyed Jesus' word and got up was truly a man who had a competitive power.

2) Group bible study filled with the grace of God's word

In this conference, lay shepherds and married women had separate group bible study based on their age. Students were also divided by gender. Especially, in student group, students led the bible study while all students actively participated. We thank God who blessed a new format of group bible study.

3) Disciple training through Musical

The musical titled, "The story of the lost son," was performed on the second night of the conference. In late 90's, after much prayer Namsan center started performing musicals to train the new generation who was independent and liberal. Student shepherds received training to overcome self-consciousness and self-denial and to learn obedience. Through this, the students grew in their faith. Freshman students who attended the conference for the first time also joined the chorus and grew as stewards for the conference.  Married shepherdesses also denied themselves and danced "Sunny dancing". Through this musical, many people were moved by the father's love and cried. We all sang "Oh, happy day" in the end of the musical.

4) Sincere life testimonies and new comers' testimonies

Junior year students shared their honest life testimonies and revealed the work of God in their life. Sh. Byung-Hwi Heo (International trade 3) chose 2 Timothy 1:7 as a life key verse. He had been timid by poverty and fatalism, but was changed in God's power and love. He shared his vision to be a great man of God for God's work.  Sh. Yong-Sub Park (Architecture Engineering 3) had been selfish and had given up things easily. He chose Deuteronomy 6:5 as a life key verse. Sh. Daniel changed his name into "Whole heart" praying for him to work wholeheartedly. Sh. Young-Il Yang, Andrew Chan-Hyung Lee, Hyun-Soo Yoo and Ruth Ko also shared heart moving testimonies.

In the last evening, 10 freshman students shared their testimonies revealing who they are and who Jesus is. Joon-Yub Hwang (Mechanical Engineering 1) and Suk-Joon Lee (Electrical Engineering 1) realized that they had been living like tax collectors and repented of their sins. They made a decision to follow Jesus.

Through the 2011 Namsan Summer Bible Conference, we all learned who we are and who Jesus is. God blessed this conference to bear the fruit of our work for many years. We praise and thank God who blessed our five loaves and two fish.
