Pastor Abraham Kim’s Iztacala Chapter (Mexico) Visit Report, Mexico

  • by WMD
  • Sep 19, 2011
  • 923 reads

14 years ago M. Isaac and Rebekah Park were sent out to Mexico from Pastor Abraham K ‘s chapter in Korea. Around 7 years ago they went out from UNAM CU chapter in Mexico City to pioneer Iztacala, Mexico. On September 14 they invited Pastor Abraham K, Timothy R and Jose A to stay over their house and gave them a ride to the airport. God blessed their house church to pioneer UNAM (Mexico National Autonomy Universty) engineering college, Medical, Dental and Nursing colleges. God sent many medical students and doctors. They have now Sunday worship service with around 30 members. Recently MD. David, Juan and Mario take turns to deliver Sunday messages. M. Isaac Park has been very exemplary and successful as a self-supporting missionary. However, his job situation was not so favorable in Mexico so he went to Peru last October.  During that time he supported Efrain and Eugenia’s Peru ministry.  M. Rebekah maintains God’s work while working from Monday to Saturday. They have three 2nd generation missionaries: Joan (19), John (16) and Paul (13) who are good coworkers in God’s ministry. P. Abraham K encouraged them with John 15:16: Imitate Jesus’ personality, make disciples and devote themselves wholeheartedly with all God has given them such as time, youth, money and everything. All will pass away but these three things will be kept in heaven.

Their prayer topics are as follows:

1. David, Juan and Mario’s Sunday messages
2. To establish 3 house churches
3. Increase Sunday Worship attendants from 30 to 40, 1:1 to 60
4. M. Isaac Park may get a proper job in Mexico
