IPN (National Polytechnic Institution) UBF Visit, Mexico

  • by WMD
  • Sep 21, 2011
  • 694 reads

Pastor Abraham K., Timothy R., Abraham and Sarah H., and Jose A. visited the IPN campus and the UBF IPN Bible house on September 13. M. Barnabas and Rebecca Choi invited them to their home to have a delicious lunch. They have been supporting themselves by running a business very successfully. They came to Mexico 13 yeas ago and devoted themselves to the IPN ministry.

IPN is located on the outskirts of Mexico City. Daniel Alejandro is growing as an Abraham of faith. Their first daughter Hannah (19) is a senior in high school. Samuel (16) is a high school freshman. They are good co-workers in the IPN ministry. IPN UBF members are studying Joshua these days. They had a one day Bible academy focusing on Joshua on September 17.

Besides the ministry, M. Barnabas showed his shepherd heart for all missionaries and their health. He experienced several missionaries leaving the mission field because they didn't get regular check-ups. He wants all UBF missionaries to get a check-up whenever they have a chance to return to Korea, possibly once a year.

IPN prayer topics:
1. Raise Daniel Alejandro as an ancestor of faith like Abraham and raise 12 disciples
2. Establish 12 new families
3. Hannah and Samuel to continue to co-work with them as 2nd generation missionaries
4. A successful business for self-support
