The 1st Venezuela National Conference Report

  • by WMD
  • Sep 23, 2011
  • 806 reads
Your Refuge: Jesus, the Invincible 

From September 15-18, the 1st Venezuela National Conference was held. The title of the conference was “Your Refuge: Jesus the Invincible.” We had 150 participants: Caracas (110), Valles del Tuy (30), Maracaibo (4), Merida (4), and Chicago (2) M. Jose A. gave the opening message from Acts 13:3. He planted a vision for Venezuela to be the new Antioch church, to produce many Bible teachers and send out many missionaries to the ends of the earth.

The following were the main messengers:

-  Adriana (Education Faculty) spoke on “Jesus and the Samaritan Woman” (John 4). She sought refuge in human love. She became pregnant at 17, but she repented and received the forgiveness of sins. Now she is married and has a  handsome son.

-  Rafael (Chemical Engineer) spoke on the prodigal son. He also sought refuge in carnal desires and had many girlfriends. But eventually his life became miserable. He felt empty and dirty. When he confessed his sins and sought refuge in the Father, God the Father received and restored him. He is now married with two daughters and leading a fellowship. 

- Luis B. (Professor in Engineering, UCV) preached on the crucifixion of Jesus. He sought refuge in a girl, but she left him. He fell into depression and tried to commit suicide. But he began Bible study and learned that all his problems were the consequences of his sins. He accepted the sacrifice of Jesus. He grew as a shepherd. God gave him a precious servant of God as his wife. They became a very influential family in our ministry.

-  Anibal O. (Petroleum Engineer) spoke about the power of the Risen Christ. He lived in the darkness. He was fearful because a man killed his mother and threatened his entire family four years ago. When he met Jesus, he found new light in his heart. He could get out of darkness and fear. He now lives with confidence in Jesus who will protect his family. He lives as a shepherd, planting the hope of the kingdom of God. He leads a fellowship with his wife Jessica (Petroleum Engineer) and takes care of 4 Bible students. Jesus is invincible. 

Other messengers were Leibins (Education Faculty), Juan C. (Civil Engineering), and Jaime (UBF Mérida).

Gustavo P. delivered a message titled, “Jesus Is the Refuge at the End of Times.” He spoke about the signs and hope of the second coming of Jesus. He focused on the importance of 1:1 Bible study and humble prayer to avoid being deceived by false christs.

Franklin, Khaterine, Jennifer, Gabriel, Cyrus, Yoel, Raúl, and Juan shared their life testimonies. All the testimonies were full of the grace of Jesus. They had grown as disciples and participated in various activites. Saturday night’s hip-hop dance along with other dances, music, and drama were full of grace. All the attendees were very happy and were full of heavenly joy.

The closing message of Pastor Abraham K. was powerful and reminded us of the three things that will last: the image of Christ in us, the people whom we guided to Jesus, and everything we give to the Lord. So we must follow Jesus and feed his sheep.

M. Juan S. called the new members to repent and believe in Jesus and around 70 people stood up. He also called them to participate in discipleship this year and more than 10 brothers accepted that calling.

After the conference, on September 19, P. Abraham K. invited the speakers and their wives to dinner held at the house of M. Juan S. They had a chance to talk with him for an hour and a half about their concerns. One of them asked for many English-speaking short- term missionaries to be sent to them, as well as to be given the opportunity to go the USA to learn English and share their faith.

One Word: Your Refuge: Jesus, the Invincible

Reported by Gustavo
