Korea Fall Staff Conference Report

  • by WMD
  • Sep 27, 2011
  • 908 reads

September 19-22, Korea held a fall staff conference with the theme, “The Cost of Being a Disciple,” at the Jeju Resort Hotel on the beautiful island of Jeju, Korea. The total number of attendees was 88. It was full of grace and truth so that all the staff members were greatly encouraged by the word of God, getting true rest in Jesus and renewing their true identities as disciples of Jesus.

On the first day, we had group Bible studies. The first was based on Luke 13: “Enter Through The Narrow Door”; and the second was from Luke 14: “The Cost Of Being A Disciple.” After that everyone had quiet time for Bible reading and deep meditation. On the second day, five staff shepherds presented graceful, heart moving, and challenging reports on their campus pioneering work which had been going on since the spring semester.

First, Sh. Mark Cho presented his report on the Jeju UBF pioneering work. At first, Jeju Island seemed like an abandoned land, spiritually, because of rampant idolatry. But by depending on the grace of Jesus, he made a clear decision, with many tears, to lay down his life for the Jeju campus souls and for the pioneering work there. God richly blessed his shepherd heart for young Jeju souls, his devotion, earnest prayer, and challenging faith so that Jeju UBF now has 100 SWS attendees.

Sh. Abraham Suh (Asan UBF) experienced God’s miracle because of his shepherd heart. When he began the pioneering work there he lacked financial support, Bible students, a home, and a Bible house. But he did not shrink back; rather he found out that he had some things, such as the living word of God, the faith that God was working with him, and a shepherd heart for God’s flock. He wept many tears when he looked at the dying campus souls. With his shepherd heart he served one campus soul through one to one Bible study. God richly blessed his ministry by raising leaders at the University of Hosuh, University of Nazareth, University of Keukdong, and University of Namseoul; and 14 disciples are growing. His family is living in a small home, but he rented an big apartment for 12 student sheep who are in discipleship training.

Sh. John Kim (Inje UBF) presented a report on the Inje UBF pioneering work entitled, “You Give Them Something To Eat.” At the beginning of his ministry, he poured out his heart for raising a medical student as a disciple, but he failed. After that, he repented of his lack of faith and love, and decided to depend on God alone and serve a student, Lee Choongman. God was with him to raise him as disciple of Jesus and to became an Abraham of faith at Inje UBF. When Choongman got a job after his graduation, he made a clear decision to have daily bread before going to work at 6 a.m. every day at the Bible house. God richly blessed his sincere struggle with daily bread and his family in many ways, and sent his family to Washington as a missionary family. Since then all the Inje center brothers and sisters have learned that God will surely bless them if they live according to the word of God like him. Most of the Bible students are having daily bread at 6 a.m. every day and are growing in Jesus. God has blessed the Inje SWS with 28 attendees. Among them, 13 are students, and Inje UBF has become a growing student-centered ministry.

Sh. Daniel Byun presented a report on the Kwanak 3 student pioneering work. When he was told that his only son was taken up to heaven he thought his life was over. But through this he realized the true love of God, that God did not spare his one and only son but gave him up for him and his son though he did not deserve it. Then he could see many young souls who were helpless and harassed like sheep without a shepherd on the campus. With a shepherd heart he took care of God’s flock one by one. With a shepherd heart he took the challenge of pioneering the SNU campus along with the women coworkers. God gave them a great vision for the SNU campus by bringing 40 SNU students to the 2009 Summer Bible conference. However most of them have gone astray as the fall semester began. But they did a re-challenge, against despair, and  finally they could see that God was mightily working among 10 student disciples. They are growing through the discipleship training team (John team). God also blessed the ministry with 12 growing student disciples through the Luke team. In order to learn more about Jesus 22 students are participating in the common life team. Currently about 30 students have been attending the Kwanak 3 SWS and the student ministry is continuing to growing.

Sh. Caleb Kim (from Chongro 1 who pioneered the University of Sungkyunkwan) presented a report about living an exemplary shepherd life. He has been struggling to be an exemplary shepherd through prayer and the one to one ministry. He has been crying out to God early in the morning for seven years. He did not demand this of others but tried to be an exemplary one to one Bible teacher even as he went out to invite students during the world cup when everyone was watching the game. God was pleased with his compassion for the campus souls in raising student disciples and making a firm unity in his leadership.

Sh. David Kim (Korea UBF director) said he was greatly moved by the presentations about the pioneering work and emphasized the significance of one shepherd who will cry out to God with  a compassionate heart for campus souls. He also said that we will surely see that God is mightily working among us if we take the challenge of pioneering campuses with our whole hearts. He challenged us with one clear prayer topic to have 5000 one to one Bible studies, and all the staff shepherds earnestly prayed together with one in heart.

After that we all enjoyed God’s beautiful creation and had good fellowship by climbing the Hala mountain and taking a walk around the way of Ole. We praise and thank God for blessing each one of us to have a new, clear direction for the fall semester, a true rest, and a beautiful fellowship with one another in Christ through this conference.

We pray that God may bless each campus ministry by raising 5000 one to ones in this fall semester in UBF Korea for the glory of God. May God send UBF missionaries to 140 nations and 100,000 professional missionaries to 233 nations by 2041.

Abraham Suh
